I’m a man, I’ve been following both men’s and women’s football for years, but I have to admit that lately (maybe from 2019 onwards) the women’s football team of BIH has become much dearer to me than the men’s, both because of the results they achieve and because of their approach. I also think they play better in general than their male counterparts. Last year and at the beginning of this year, I was on a total of three visits to the Czech Republic, Slovenia and Sweden. In the Czech Republic, I was the only BIH fan and there were about 7,000 Czechs, in Slovenia, miraculously, BHFanaticos came, so there were 50-100 of us BIH fans, and in Sweden there were also our fans, although the BHFanaticos did not come.
The girls played all those matches quite correctly, especially in the Czech Republic where they fought for every ball for 90 minutes and gave not 100% but 10000% of themselves, were better and got a point against a team that is in the top 15 in Europe. Before that, they beat the Czech Republic 1-0 in Zenica, and before that they played 1-1 against Slovenia at home, even though they played the entire second half with 10 players. Honestly, I don’t remember the last time when the men’s national team drew 4 points against a team that is in the top 15 in Europe, let alone played a draw with 10 players on the field. Last week they played 0-0 against Portugal in Zenica, that same Portugal was at the last Euro and the World Championship. In the meantime, although it cannot be compared fairly, our men’s national team lost 5-0 to Portugal at home and 3-0 in Portugal, lost twice to Luxembourg and Slovakia and once to Iceland.
We have Emina Ekic who has "only" 25 years old and she showed more in one year than one Miralem Pjanic in 15 years in the national team jersey (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T7OU1hjLY1c If you don’t believe me, feel free to watch this assist at 1:04). We have three players in Serie A Femminile who moved there directly from SFK2000 Sarajevo. I don’t remember the last time a player from the Premier League of BIH moved directly to clubs like Juventus or Inter.
In the fall, they will play the first round of the Baraz against Serbia, the first game is in Zenica. If they pass Serbia, unfortunately after that Sweden comes where they are 100% eliminated, in fact whoever passes is 100% against Sweden. In any case, these girls deserve much more support. Against Portugal last week, there were not even 300 people at Bilina Polje and the game was played on Friday night, a real shame.
Nepopularno misljenje: U zadnje vrijeme mi je zenska fudbalska reprezentacija draza od muske fudbalske reprezentacije (a reprezentativke igraju bolje)
byu/windchill94 inbih
Posted by windchill94
I meni su zenske uvijek bile draze od muskih
Uglavnom, nema novca ni statusa u ženskom sportu/fudbalu. I to je jedina stvar koja sprječava političare da ih isisaju do kraja, kao što su mušku reprezentaciju.
Iskreno nebi gledao da me neko plati.
Zenski fudbal je tesko smece…
Ja volim futbal u svakoj formi. Nekada mi je draze gledati losiji ali gdje se bore nego bolji a somo simulacije. A to sto kazu da zenske lose igraju meni nepali. Po toj logici samo bi gledao top utakmice jer sve ostalo je lose.
Nije samo tebi, nasem dragom vođi Ismiru Mirviću su isto draže, u FKSarajevo sve funkcije obavljaju trebe.
Bilo je itekako katastrofalnih rezultata, Vels u onom baražu, sad obje utakmice protiv Sjeverne Irske…
Zene su uvijek odlicne i borbene u svakom sportu (fudbal, odbojka, kosarka). Gdje mozemo gledati nasu fdubalsku reprezentaciju?
Žensko sam ali se slažem. Pratim fudbal čitav život i trenirala sam itd ali u zadnje vrijeme mi muški fudbal gubi čar. Mislim da je period 2000+ do negdje 2018 bio vrhunac muškog fudbala. Danas se uglavnom svodi na sigurnu igru i trčanje. Dok je u ženskom fudbalu ta čar još ostala, i dosta je tehnički i mnogo mnogo više igračica pokazuju sjajne skills u toku utakmice, driblinge, što se dešava samo sa pojedinim igračima u muškom fudbalu jer se sad više igra na sigurno. Nažalost na našim TV prenosima 99% slučajeva nema prenos ženskog fudbala i nadam se da će se to promjeniti
Muški i ženski fudbal su neusporedivi po svim parametrima, ali ako tu pronalaziš utjehu, onda super. Koliko god je stanje loše u muškom, ipak se išlo u baraže, kvalificiralo na svjetsko 2014. i osvajale su se skupine u Ligi nacija. Smatram da smo mogli otići najmanje jednom na EURO posljednjih godina, ali nažalost nismo.
Jedini timski reprezentativni sportovi po pitanju uspjeha koji su vrijedni gledanja kod nas su muška košarka, rukomet i sjedeća odbojka. Po pitanju individualnih, nekada je Tuka bio u fazonu, a sada je ova Lana. Sve u svemu, dosta loše stanje. U fudbalu su samo sekiracija i razočaranja.
O domaćoj ligi da ne pričam. Hrvatski i srpski klubovi dominiraju u svim najbitnijim sportovima, a mi samo kmečimo i copamo, užasna toksičnost.