New taxes:
- From July 2025, it will rise VAT two percentage points.
- From the beginning of 2026, a natural person income tax is also two percentage points.
- They rise additionally alcohol, tobacco and petrol excise duty. Excise duties on alcohol, tobacco and gasoline will increase by an additional five percent per year.
- From the beginning of 2026, as part of a package of tax increases called the security tax, it will come into force two percent tax on corporate profits. The security taxes would be temporary, valid until the end of 2028.
Tax hump:
- A proposed 2025 elimination of the income tax differential known as the tax hump postponed for a year.
- In addition to free higher education, the new government also plans to give universities the opportunity to ask in certain cases tuition fees for Estonian-language curricula and aim to increase learning opportunities in applied higher education.
Uus valitsus tõstab käibemaksu ja tulumaksu 24 protsendile
byu/snow-eats-your-gf inEesti
Posted by snow-eats-your-gf
Kas eestis elamise juures midagi positiivset ka on? Ei tule pähe küll enam miskit.
Jälle pügatakse füüsilisi isikuid enam kui juriidilisi isikuid (eriti pankasid).
Eks ettevõtetel saab nüüd raske olema, nendel aastatel kasumit ei teenita.
ei joua ara oodata
Kellel veel pole on viimane aeg OÜ teha.
Miks ma peaksin tahtma Eestis enam edasi elada??