I’m sorry that none of the journalists investigated the news from the above link in detail, and they should have. 2 days ago, the news was published that a man was shot in front of his wife and child, and that they are fighting for his life. And the first-hand information is as follows: Since it is a village near Travnik and a local road, the person who was shot was driving a car with his wife and child in it, and he encountered a cyclist in front of him who was driving in the middle of the road and none of him could pass. The one who was shot told him to take cover to pass, and that’s when they argued. This fool then pulls out a gun and fires 5 bullets into it. Budaletina is actually their neighbor who is not very good mentally and who causes problems for the neighborhood. However, his mother and sister refuse to say that there is anything wrong with him, i.e. they do not want to treat him. And now they are fighting for a man’s life – because of stupidity.


Posted by Only-Pizza-7792


  1. stormthegreat on

    Jesi li razmislio sa napišeš dopis novinskim portalima i objasniš tu priču i pozoveš ih da istraže? Da, moguće je to

  2. nistarxxx666 on

    Iskreno zbog ovakvih stvari izbjegavam bilo kakvu raspravu u saobracaju. Prije 6 godina bio sam svjedok kako je jedan debil sa suvozačevog mjesta kroz prozor uperio pištolj u mog rodjaka jer rodjak nije pustio da se auto u kojem se ovaj debil vozio prestroji.