If my memory is correct that was 2021. They just banned full face covering, it is nothing new. The Hijab. as far as I am aware, is still permitted. The only thing that isn’t, is full face covering.

I haven’t found anything about Switzerland not recognising Islam as a religion anymore. The only thing I found is that two thirds of people, according to a survey, believe that it shouldn’t be seen as one.


Posted by Ok_Code8226


  1. LeroyoJenkins on

    > Why are they spreading misinformation?

    Welcome to the internet, you must be new here.

  2. Its_just_a_nerd on

    As I know, judaism, islam, hinduism and even boudism are not recognized, you have ro write „others“ in Steuererklärung.

    And I often see womens with that thing, so its not true

  3. Phucket_full_of_kum on

    Someone is trying to farm Reddit Karma through controversy and conveniently open worded posts 🤣

  4. Internal_Leke on

    Similarly I saw some posts about how “Switzerland” has national preference for hiring nationals over foreigners.

    But it’s actually only for sectors with high unemployment (I think higher than 8%).

    And in practice it’s only that they have to wait 5 days, and no obligation to hire a Swiss anyway.

  5. If it is for a greater good, in this case spreading negative views on islamism and islamists, who cares if it is accurate or not?

  6. SchoggiToeff on

    >If my memory is correct that was 2021.

    The vote for the constructional amendment, in form of a popular imitative, was March 2021: [https://www.bk.admin.ch/ch/d/pore/vi/vis465.html](https://www.bk.admin.ch/ch/d/pore/vi/vis465.html)

    The law however is not yet in force. Both chambers of the parliament approved [the text of the actual law](https://www.fedlex.admin.ch/eli/fga/2023/2295/de) September 2023 [https://www.parlament.ch/de/ratsbetrieb/suche-curia-vista/geschaeft?AffairId=20220065](https://www.parlament.ch/de/ratsbetrieb/suche-curia-vista/geschaeft?AffairId=20220065)

    As the Swiss populace did not rise a veto in form of a referendum, it is nearly ready to come into force. What is missing is a change of the simple fine ordinance (Ordnungsbussenverordnung/ Ordonnance sur les amendes d’ordre) by the Federal Council which specifies the fines for the violation of the law. This might need another public consultation round (Vernehmlassung) which takes at least 4 months. A first proposal was a fine of CHF 200.

    I do not expect that the law comes into force before January 2025.

  7. crystalchuck on

    Because Nemesis is a far-right organization coopting the leftist symbolism of collectives and struggle against women’s oppression to make their far-right more palatable, and the far-right are notorious peddlers of misinformation and outright lies.