Guys, is there an institution where we can turn to for this case?
As you can see in the video, the woman is unfortunately sick and this has been happening for almost 2 years. She lives alone, some of the neighbors say that she had two sons, but they don’t care at all about their mother.
We are forced to live with this noise and knocking for whole days, and for the last 3-4 months often at night. He knows how to jump out on the balcony at 3:30-4-5 in the morning and knock and shout and literally knocks you out of your mind until you wake up and realize it’s her. No matter how sorry we are that she is in this situation, the woman is not aware of what she is doing to the environment, but this is no longer tolerated (it affects everyday life and sleep, we start to be chronically sleepless).
Please, any help is welcome!
ps I have to share the video like this with a link from jumpshare because Reddit won’t let me upload the video :/
Posted by HimenaK
не ти е линкувано видеото
Druzete ja od vreme na vreme, i valjda ke bide bolje. Drugo resenie tesko, i da ja prijavis kaj i da e nema sto da i pravat
Имавме ваков наркоман кај нас во зградата. Никој ништо за жал не превзема.
Da se obidete so Centar za socijalna rabota? Mozhebi tie ke vi pomognat, ili barem da ve upatat kako da postapite
Кај другарка у зграда имаше сличен случај, жената живееше сама, имаше психички проблеми и од горе од тераса и цигли фрлаше накај улица, викаше, тропаше. Беше пријавено во полиција ама кажаа дека немаат надлежност чим жената има фамилија и не можат да превземат ништо.
Ne mrdaat od policija za vakvi slucai, za zal. Se vadat na toa deka ima familija i toa e toa.
So godini imame vakov problem od zgrada, nekolku pati eskaliral, MVR nikad nisto ne prevzemale.