I read an article on the Estonian language on the English Wikipedia, and in terms of orthography, I noticed the statement that after World War II there was a plan to transfer the Estonian language to the Cyrillic alphabet, which failed because literacy was too high (80% at the time).

The fact that in 1945 the literacy rate in Estonia was 80%, I immediately considered it a mystery, because in 1934 it was 96.1%, so I removed this statement. The first half of the sentence was still cringing, and I tried to find a source for the statement that there was never such a plan to write Estonian in Cyrillic, but I couldn’t find anything by googling.

Does anyone know anything about this?


Posted by rentslirott


  1. aggravatedsandstone on

    Asi on ikka vastupidi. Kui wikipedias midagi väita siis peab sellele kinnitus olema [citation needed]. Sina ei pea mingeid ulmeväiteid ümber lükkama.

  2. No_Platypus9739 on

    Võimalik, et nõukogude okupatsioonivõimudel oli selline plaan, kuid kindlalt ei oska selle kohta midagi öelda. Iseenesest Kesk-Aasia keeltega ju nii tehti – täna on näiteks kasahhid taas üle minemas ladina tähestikule, türkmeenid ja usbekid on juba ladina tähestiku uuesti kasutusele võtnud, nõukogude ajal kirjutati ka neid keeli kirillitsas.

  3. hea_kasuvend on

    Кууле ара яма селле теемага. Википееида он еестис юлдсе факе невс, кееги еи усу селлист буллшити