Friends, you who have insight into this topic. I have a balcony that gets a lot of dust and dirt from the neighbors above. I am thinking about glazing the balcony.

What are the rules in Skopje – is it necessary to apply for a permit from the building authority or the municipality?

It will be approximately like the picture here.

I don’t want problems later, like asking it to crash. Of course, it costs a lot. Almost everyone I ask says “don’t worry about it”, but they live a better life without worries.

Thank you for your reply!

Posted by 3ffer

1 Comment

  1. Ја имам мали балкон пред 20 год ставили прозоре нико ништа није реагирао али је насочен ка пролазу и има више таквих али нисам видео на предној страни да има такво нешто..ово је у згради