Truly scandalous and disgusting! Italy is the only country in the EU to ban a substance that does NOT have a drug effect, as happens in the most backward countries for purely ideological reasons (Saudi Arabia, Iran, Russia). Questions: – Can anyone in the industry tell me if the ban affects the flowers themselves and not just the oil? Will they have to close the shops? – Legally, can an EU state ban something that is not illegal at a European level? Any appeal to the EU court would be won, right? In any case, it is better to start stocking up (I use CBD weed as a substitute for tobacco when I return to Italy). I live in the Netherlands.

L’Italia mette di nuovo il CBD tra le droghe vietate: è l’unico Paese europeo

Posted by Alex_Cheese94

1 Comment

  1. Stev-svart-88 on

    Paese di merda gestito da politici di merda e abitato da gente di merda che non fa niente per cambiare la direzione in cui una classe politica di merda sta facendo andare il paese.