Roderic O’Gorman elected new Green Party leader

Posted by badger-biscuits


  1. Ironic, given all the self congratulatory back slapping about how much they achieved in Government, to then go and select the Green Minister who unequivalically failed in Goverment.

  2. ResponsibleTrain1059 on

    I think he was the best choice. Only Green that really had their feet to the fire. Plus a lot of attacks at him are by loonies. Not that I agree with everything his department has done but it was easily the most challenging dept for this gov outside of health during COVID.

  3. RandomUsername600 on

    I don’t know how green voters feel about how m, but he seems wildly unpopular with the general public

  4. It was close. I voted for Pippa, but to be fair, she was always going to have difficulty getting elected to the Dáil. Especially since her constituency is going from a 5 seater to two 3 seaters. That was basically a gift to the 3 big parties. It should have gone to 6 seats.

  5. willowbrooklane on

    He is one of the more objectively competent government ministers so not hard to see why he won this.

  6. WereJustInnocentMen on

    Dublin West really can’t go too long without a party leader can they? They had Joan Burton, then Leo Varadkar, and now O’Gorman. Bodes well for Jack Chamber’s career anyways…

  7. I voted for him, mostly because I thought it was daft to have a Senator as party leader.

    TBH if Neasa or Hazel had stood, I’ve have voted for either of those, caveated by Hazel being “only” a councillor, she also easily pulls in a quota ..

  8. Has to be a strategy to get themselves on the back bench to rebuild or a Hail Mary as they see through writing on the wall.

    Last week it was Joe and the Ebun thing this week it’s this but I think this will stick with them longer .

  9. I’m not by any means a fan of Aontú’s, but it’s pretty difficult to ignore all the issues about children missing from state care that Peadar Toibin has raised in relation to OGorman

  10. A poor decision I think. They had a choice between being a party focused on environmental issues, with broad support across the spectrum and from urban and rural areas, or become just another left-wing party campaigning on social issues.

  11. Donegal-Death-Worm on

    Fair play to him! Whatever you think of his capabilities as a minister or a leader you have to commend him for his success. The ONLY reason this man is a member of the Green party is because it offered him the quickest upward maneuverability, and he’s at the top now, so fair play to him!

  12. Most of the policies I’ve liked from this government have clearly come from the Green Party agenda.

    But they’ve also signed up to a number of policies I’ve vehemently disagreed with.

    The nature of coalition politics I suppose. I’d probably vote for them again, though the guy I voted for last time left them for Social Democrats (he’s a councillor, didn’t get the Dáil seat but was quickly reelected to the council)