‘Disproportionate’ UK election results boost calls to ditch first past the post


Posted by topotaul


  1. Kleptokilla on

    You had your vote and lost get over it, if it’s good enough for the BREXITers to yell it should be good enough for this, you don’t get to cherry pick which referendums get to rerun based on your personal whims, I’d be all for rerunning BREXIT if we did a PR one though, this time make it binding

  2. Dangeruss82 on

    Wait till you see what’s happened in France. Le pen won every single seat in the country except Paris. Yet she lost.

  3. faconsandwich on

    Reform…….. Need to get over it.

    The only ones now calling for a rethink are those who would definitely keep it if it was to their advantage.

    Stick to making seaside shitholes less shit again.

  4. FelisCantabrigiensis on

    Oh, oh, NOW the right-wing want to talk about proportional representation?

    We had a referendum on this in 2011.

    We can’t reverse the will of the people, can we?

  5. OrcaResistence on

    I find it funny that when the Tories win the system is “fair and square” but the moment labour wins it’s “the system is wrong 34% of the vote shouldn’t be able to run the country” when that’s roughly what the Tories end up getting voter share wise in a lot of elections.

  6. Account_Eliminator on

    People need educating on why first past the post is the superior system that ensures parties appeal to the average voter broadly and why pure democracy leads to amplification of extremist views.

    I often think the reason we get so much talk about PR is the kind of views most likely to benefit from it speaks loudest.

  7. Cynical_Classicist on

    The only major Western country more behind us in representation is the US.

  8. We had a once in a generation vote over this with a stunning victory for FPTP, no 2% margin in that referendum. If Farage and the Tories wish to overturn it then they can admit that 13 years is a “generation” and thus sufficient time to re-examine an issue of this nature.

  9. UseADifferentVolcano on

    Ffs the results are not disproportionate, they are unrelated. No one was trying to win the popular vote.

    Every party tried to win based on fptp, and Labour crushed all comers. If it was a competition for national vote share they (and everyone) would have campaigned very differently.

    People vote tactically. People protest vote. People don’t bother to vote when their area is settled. You can’t judge our elections on the popular vote because it’s a competition that no one is competing in.

  10. Worldly_Table_5092 on

    We should ditch FPTP, AV and PR. No votes at all. God bless the king!

  11. lordnacho666 on

    It would actually make a lot of sense for Labour to do this.

    Right now, they are benefiting from it, no doubt. But next time round, they’re going have had five years of complaining about not turning the ship around when given the chance. No, it doesn’t depend on whether the ship has turned around, or is looking better, or any reality of the situation. Next time, Reform and the Conservatives might well have reconciled, and thus might not be splitting each others’ votes.

    If you look at how significant Reform was in this election, and how weak Labour support actually was, a Labour advisor might well worry that the result will flip and they will be the ones on the losing end of the election system next time.

    PR would offer a middle ground here. They might lose their majority, but they wouldn’t lose it to a Conservative revival that would reverse whatever changes happen in the next five years. There would be a coalition government and the large parties would have to negotiate which things are reversed and which are kept.

  12. chocobowler on

    It’s working as intended, it’s not supposed to be proportional to votes cast. If you come seconds everywhere you get 0 seats. I like how it works even if sometimes the side I don’t like wins more than their vote share.

  13. Transsexual_Menace on

    I would hate to seem like I’m suggesting that the right’s sudden interest in a fair voting system is *anything* but concern over the fact that for so many decades the vote of so many people have been pretty much pointless, but please, why weren’t you interested before 2024?

  14. man-vs-spider on

    The Uk should change from FPTP to some kind of ranked vote or mixed member proportional voting system. Even if it would benefit parties like Reform in the current political climate. I think they are symptom of having a government that doesn’t properly represent the public interest in the first place

    This is the best time to push for it as Conservatives have typically been against electoral reform.

  15. CardiffCity1234 on

    Labour controlling the country after receiving only 34% of the vote is crazy. FPTP has to go.

  16. Neat_Connection5339 on

    As much as PR sounds nice, at the end of the day both FPTP and PR are about compromise. for FPTP is at the electorate level which voters have to compromise on voting the least bad within the 6 weeks, where PR is at the parliamentary level in terms of coalition and gaining support for each bill. The difference of either system is perhaps not as much as advocates suggest.

  17. Homicidal_Pingu on

    We have FPTP for local representation. Changing it favours cities far too much and those in rural areas are essentially forgotten as you don’t need them to win an election.

  18. Why don’t they just count all the votes and whoever gets the most is in charge and the others aren’t?