Immigrants from third countries. How is Ukraine preparing to withstand the demographic shock?

Posted by vinny90x1234xx


  1. 203mm_4_pigdogs on

    This solution with immigrants didn’t work anywhere. Just a fucking idiotic idea people from undeveloped countries will have a same life values as people in your country. The only way in this situation its a giving a citizenship to foreign people which fighting for this country today

  2. thermalblac on

    Potentially falling into the same trap as UK, France, Germany, Sweden, Belgium, etc. Short-term “solutions” that lead to long-term problems. Governments and the elites that control them are careful to avoid mentioning that large scale immigration policies are intended to suppress wages and potentially distract the populace – get the people to fight each other instead of directing their attention above.

    The governments of all developed countries are aware that their shrinking/aging workforce and population is fundamentally incompatible with the debt-based ponzi scheme monetary system which forms the basis of the global economy. Barring a traumatic/violent systemic reset, the monetary system essentially requires an infinitely expanding population which is not possible on a planet with finite habitability/resources.

    Ukraine has a chance to get their immigration policy right by learning from others. For instance Norway takes a limited number of migrants/asylumseekers/refugees from developing global-south countries per year and assigns them to municipalities equally throughout the country. Their social welfare benefits are tied to them staying in their assigned municipality. If they leave their assigned area, no more benefits. The policy is specifically designed to spread them out because putting everyone in the same place tends to form ethnic enclaves/ghettos which is 1) dangerous and 2) greatly reduces the chances they will successfully integrate. Spreading them out forces them to interact with society at large, learn the language and culture, and not retreat to a bubble. This is in contrast with Sweden’s disastrous results as they did not follow a similar policy.

    Limited, carefully vetted/screened/selected immigrants are always good. The US/Canada/much of Europe insisting on an open door policy of mass importing millions of culturally incompatible, uneducated and potentially hostile foreigners just because their business elites are complaining about labor shortages or falling commercial real estate valuations is bad.

  3. 300’000 migrants every year from Asia, in 10 years it’s 10% of the population of Ukraine. India just announced it sent 35’000 machine guns to russia. This is treason on the highest order. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian men die and get their legs, arms blown off for this c*nt to give it all away to some brown dicks. Literally. Somebody tell the AFU men that they die for the opportunity of Nepali men in the future to work and live in Ukraine while increasing the profits of some companies and economic growth.

  4. Allow only immigrants from countries who officially supported Ukraine at peace summit in Switzerland.