Biden at peace if he loses to Trump: “As long as I gave it my all”


  1. We are cooked.

    Our democracy is on the line and this man is untethered from reality. He doesn’t believe he’s behind in the polls, and thinks everything will be fine if he just gives it his all.

  2. Awful answer. You can’t run on Trump being a threat to democracy and then say “well if I lose at least I tried.”

  3. I absolutely cannot believe that the last, best hope for American democracy is for her most effective modern president to have a sudden heart attack. Jesus Christ.

  4. MaxHardwood on

    Political consultants just losing their minds on social media after hearing this response.

    Unfortunately for millions of Americans, and people all over the world really, the stakes are a bit higher than what this response conveys.

  5. VegasLuckyFin on

    This is a horrible answer.

    Stakes are too high for these pablum answers and not really addressing the people’s concerns 

  6. TypicalCherry1529 on

    I feel like this is the scene in the horror movie where the whole audience is saying “get out” but the asshole keeps roaming around the house.

  7. The worst answer he could have given.

    Democracy at stake?

    LGBT and women’s rights shredded?

    Emperor Trump ordering the troops to round up dissidents and conduct show trials?

    Eh, who cares. I gave it a shot, that’s all I could do.

  8. Selfish old man. Can’t see this isn’t about him, it’s about the 300 million + people who have to deal with the consequences of his hubris.

  9. No-Cherry-5766 on

    This isn’t the answer you want to hear if you are a swing state democrat with an election. Even more so now that more states are up for grabs with the latest polling.

    Biden can ride off into the sunset and spend his last year in peace, the dem politicians who lose are fighting for their careers. I’d imagine they will pressure leadership even more. If nothing happens, they will break ranks and go public.

  10. FilteringAccount123 on

    I went into this interview feeling bad for him and feeling guilty that I wanted him to do poorly so he’d finally be gone… now I just want him gone. What a terrible answer.

  11. Prometheusf3ar on

    We aren’t you old fuck. You’ve got like a year left to live. The unending fascism and climate distaste you leave us will kill milllions at a minimum.

  12. TigerTerrier on

    This is what I told my daughter for her third grade testing. This is not the response I want to hear from the president in a bitter ection year

  13. legendtinax on

    Heidi Heitkamp is currently ripping him apart for this answer on ABC. I don’t think this interview will go over well and help him with Congressional Dems

  14. This is a disqualifying answer under the present circumstances.

    The hubris, the self-centeredness, the absolute willful blindness to the impending catastrophe of a Trump presidency…

    This answer alone should disqualify Biden because he clearly lacks the necessary perspective on the importance of this election and the need to pull out every stop to save democracy


    Dude’s really gonna blow it for us all and then blissfully check out of life lmaoo

  16. NoCoffee6754 on

    Maybe he’ll use the line about his father’s advice for the millionth time. “If he loses and our Democracy is destroyed forever… get back up” or whatever nonsense saying that has no meaning that he wants to keep pushing.

  17. NoteChoice7719 on

    That answer/this interview was so bad I can’t help it was a deliberate setup by Democrats to paint Biden so poorly that now senior Dems will call for him to withdraw

  18. SquarePie3646 on

    “It’s too bad about our country, but at least we know Uncle Joe gave it 110%!”

  19. He doesn’t understand the gravity of a loss like this. This is beyond frustrating

  20. TopDeckHero420 on

    Oh, golly gee willikers… I tried my darnedest.

    That’s not going to cut it.

  21. swollennode on

    He’s in the bargaining stage heading towards the acceptance stage. I think he’s going to dropout soon

  22. With this response, somebody needs to get ahold of Jill Biden ASAP and make her talk some sense into this man. He can’t be the nominee with this attitude.

  23. Joe, your “all”, your best effort, is to step aside and let the delegates pick a winning ticket.

  24. kensworth69 on

    If this interview made one thing clear, it’s this:

    Biden is being kept away from criticism by sycophants, including and especially his own family. The absolute arrogance he showed is truly astonishing. To deny poll data is straight out of the other orange’s playbook. He might personally be fine if he loses, but his hubris will push our nation away from democracy and towards fascism. If we want to win in November, something NEEDS to be done. I won’t pretend to know the logistics of getting a new candidate, but it’s clear we’re on a path to losing with how things are going.

  25. WitcherErland on

    I cannot fucking believe he said that. So nonchalantly down playing, possibly descending into fascism as long as “he did his best.” Are you fucking serious?!

  26. Death_and_Gravity1 on

    Absolute piece shit full of hubris. His arrogance is going to doom us all and he’s not even going to feel bad about it

  27. What the fuck.

    No shit he’s at peace with it. He won’t be alive to see the ramifications

  28. lalalibraaa on

    Can someone please remind Joe Biden about the dictatorships that existed in Latin America, put in place by the US government? In Argentina, Chile, Uruguay..? *The US did that*. It would be foolish to imagine that this could not happen here, today, in 2024, 2025. I’m sorry, sir, but your “goodest” isn’t good enough. We are all at risk of having our lives drastically changed, and this will ripple out and affect the entire world. People will die under project 2025. This is not an exaggeration. This could not be more serious. Your “goodest” is not good enough. Trump must be defeated and your hubris is putting us all at dangerous risk, Biden.

  29. steveschoenberg on

    That will bring great solace to the residents of a fascist state; old Joe did his best.

  30. >I hope, Senator, after you’ve lost, and the Empire reigns over the galaxy unopposed, you will find some comfort in the knowledge that you fought according to the rules.

    Saw Gerrera, Star Wars: Rebels, “In the Name of the Rebellion”

  31. This is why gerontocracies are dangerous.

    These people don’t give a fuck what happens long term.