Biden doubles-down at Wisconsin rally: ‘I’m staying in the race’


  1. Loo-Hoo-Zuh-Er on

    4 months should be plenty of time to hype up a new candidate. However, I’ll back whoever is going up against the traitorous felon as the Dem’s choice.

  2. Banananniebanana on

    He left the stage to “Won’t Back Down” by Tom Petty. What a kick in the face to voters. The entire party is being destroyed because of this man’s hubris. 

  3. softwaremommy on

    I watched the speech. I think he’s serious, guys. I don’t think he’s planning on quitting.

  4. Biden’s going to keep saying this regardless of what actually happens. You don’t say “I’ve been meeting with key officials and one option we’ve discussed is me dropping out” especially if he ultimately does plan to stay in the race. They are in damage control mode, and admitting he may not be the best option would only hurt the campaign.

    Honestly, I think there’s maybe an 80% chance he stays in the race. His polling numbers would need to go down another 5% at least before I think he would step down. They’re going to try and regain some lost ground over this next week. I am extremely doubtful they can do it, but that’s clearly their current strategy.

    My biggest fear is that Biden doesn’t go down more in the polls, so he doesn’t drop out, but he also doesn’t go up either. I think in reality he’s going to plateau about where he is at now, and ultimately lose to Trump by a small margin.

    The argument is that Biden is a “safe” option because he’s established and changing the game now is a risky move, so the best bet is to hope for better polling, but I think we need to take some risks now. I don’t think Biden will recover from this in any way that leads to victory.

  5. Tall_Science_9178 on

    He probably is totally insulated from people that would pressure him to drop out. He’s likely secured by a bubble of yes men.

  6. Excellent_Ability793 on

    If he stays in the race and loses his legacy will forever be that he turned the country over to a fascist dictator because his ego wouldn’t allow him to do the right thing and step aside. All the good things he’s done over his political career will be forgotten. I hope people are trying to convey this to him and his inner circle.

  7. I-Might-Be-Something on

    [Meanwhile Senator Warner is looking to get a group of Senators to urge Biden to dropout]( If you don’t have the full support of your party, you probably aren’t going to win. Trump in 2016 was really the exception to the rule.

    I will say however, that he can’t go to a reelection rally and say “well, I might stay in, or I might dropout. I dunno yet!”

  8. I love how the dude in the back had a “pass the torch” poster with him. He also said something like “they want to push me out of the race”, who are “they”? People that don’t think he could survive a year into a second term?

  9. Lol, we “voted for him in the primaries” because nobody serious challenged him. I guarantee you he wouldn’t make it out of a primary ballot *today* that included the likes of Whitmer, Newsom, and Buttigieg on it.

  10. antihostile on

    *Biden initially misspoke and said he would beat Trump again in 2020, and then seemed to correct himself and said: “We’re going to do it again in 2024.”*


  11. hypsignathus on

    Props to the lady behind him with the “pass the torch” sign. He stumbles with the teleprompter. It’s more and more noticeable that it’s crazy to expect another 4 years from him. Why can’t we nominate someone who will make a good president for four years?

  12. Sure_Quality5354 on

    I just dont understand how you can look at these disastrous polls and come to the conclusion that the best strategy is to double down.

  13. AlfredRWallace on

    Once he is officially nominated we will see non stop ads showing him being incoherent at the debate, and likely of more mental breakdowns over the coming months.

    Voters will stay home since the Democrats didn’t care enough to put up a mentally competent candidate. Republicans will take over all 3 branches of government.

    When this happens we can look back to the decisions made throughout this cycle where Democrats tried to lie to voters about Biden’s mental condition.

  14. Top_Mycologist1498 on

    I just want to say for those who may be new here and are tired of all the takes, this sub has an abysmal record in predicting both primaries and general elections.

  15. MadeByTango on

    Then you chose to lose America over your hubris, and you and the DNC are to blame

  16. Spoorloos86 on

    What if he just dies or has a stroke, They will have wished they would have taken care of this now. Imagine that shit happens in September. Then it WILL be over. Those in charge of the Democratic party have no goddamn balls. Whitmer/Beshear can win the fuckin thing.

  17. justor-gone on

    obviously the best choice for democrats (and humanity) is whoever can beat trump best. One thing that the democratic party is fundamentally wrong about (and the left in general) is that people vote for president as a rational choice. For lots of americans, it’s an emotional one. Joe just looks weak, he sounds frail, he can’t effectively counter trump’s spew of lies, and he’s not going to get any younger. Can anyone truly imagine Biden in 4 and a half years giving a farewell speech?

    You’re counting on voters who all, including us, have grave reservations over how a president who can’t work late without losing some competency, is going to age over the next 4 years. i don’t think we can afford to let people who don’t understand the threat that trump represents not vote because they’re underwhelmed by Biden.

    let’s cut to the chase, nominate Harris (who maybe like Biden will over perform expectations) and let her tear trump a new asshole in the debate

  18. Necessary_Chip9934 on

    Joe was what we needed in 2020 to kick #45 out of office and I thank Joe for his service, but it’s time to step aside.

    As much as I have blamed the GOP for allowing Trump to be the candidate in 2016, I now blame the Dems for not preparing someone to run in 2024. Biden held down the fort, but now we need to move forward with a new team.

  19. I support him or anyone else whose on the liberal ticket.

    I just hope he isn’t leading with his ego alone. Ruth Bader Ginsberg did that. Refusing to step down because she wanted the first female president to replace her seat. That was the beginning of this wretched mess.

    I blame RBG. I will blame Joe.

  20. sandysea420 on

    My vote goes for Democracy and that’s who ever is running within the Democrat party!

  21. Obvious_Ad_253 on

    There are ~330 million Americans in this country. The amount of hubris to state that Joe Biden is the only person that can defeat Trump in the general election. This is why younger generations have such disdain for the majority of the older generations (boomers/silent). They are so arrogant and egotistical that they think this machine won’t keep running without them part of it. I got news for the Nancy Pelosi’s, Mitch McConnells, Joe Bidens, this country will keep on running without you in it.

  22. The cognitive deterioration starts slow and then it goes fast, like really fast. I recently witnessed that with my father. He may not be the same person in November.