Adoption of the Wolf hand sign was taught in Azerbaijan to Basbug.

Posted by Skol-Man14


  1. asddsaasddsaaa2 on

    Batinin ikiyuzlulugu, turk dusmanligi hersey tamam. Bunlar dogru ve katiliyorum. Ama su mhp kadar bos bir orgutte yokya. Sadece bozkurt isareti degil milliyetcilik bu salaklarin elinden kurtarilmali. Vasifsiz serseriler. Zaten bu nasil milliyetcilik onuda anlamis degilim. Ulkeye arap dolduruluo, mhp cikip kiz alir kiz veririz sorun degil diyor.

    Ama su da varki eger mhp olmasaydi erdogan karabag savasinda azerbaycani desteklemeyebilirdi. Malum ermeni acilimi zirvasini yaptirirken azeri bayragi sallayan turkleri tutuklatiyordu. Bozkurt isareti yapan birine dava acmisti.

  2. NotSamuraiJosh26_2 on

    So as I understand it UEFA was mad because this sign is also used by that terrorist group right ?

  3. Well the real reason why they’re throwing tantrums over the wolfs is that you won’t settle with what they’re trying to feed you. Say we’re a mix of many peoples, we’re anything but Turkic, and the Turks are simply an invading class in our history, they’d simply be fine with you doing all kinds of gestures