Project 2025: Stand back and Stand by

Posted by 97sundevil


  1. Son0fSanf0rd on

    tomorrow Truth Toilet: “Project 2025 is the only way to stop the radical left wing migrant loving …blah …blah …blah “

  2. Pholusactual on

    “Unless it polls well, in which case it was my idea from the start.”

  3. Battailous_Joint on

    “I know nothing about it” followed by “I disagree with some of the things they’re saying” lol, which is it?

  4. OptimusSublime on

    It’s weirdly comforting that it won’t just be me fucked by his administration, but 90% of the users on this site.

  5. ” I know everything about Project 2025. I know exactly who’s behind it. I agree with all the things they are saying and the things they’re saying are fantastic and I love it. Anything they do, I wish them luck, because I have everything to do with them.”

  6. bigbrainbradman on

    “But none of it applies to me or my rich donors so I could care less as long as I’m worshipped by the rubes”

  7. onlyletmeposttrains on

    For once, Trump is actually listening to his advisors, and that’s kind of scary to be honest because part of his biggest deterrance to voters is how unhinged he is.

    He knows he can’t win the suburban white women in Michigan and Wisconsin if he endorses Project 2025 and abortion restrictions, so he’s downplaying them…juuuuuust until he gets in office, and once he’s in office he can do whatever he wants

  8. How can he not know abt it?
    Was he too busy trying to cover up that he was raping 13yr olds that reminded him of Ivanka?

  9. nice-view-from-here on

    “I know nothing about my political platform …except stay out of jail. Other than that I’ll sign whatever they put in front of me.”

  10. everythingbeeps on

    The fact he’s so blatantly lying about this shows he knows it’s bad but doesn’t care and won’t stop it from happening.

    He even wishes them “luck”

  11. I believe Trump has no idea what’s in it because he doesn’t read stuff and has the attention span of a gnat anyway. That won’t matter later when he goes along with it just like he appointed whatever judges the Federalist Society said to.

  12. TheresACityInMyMind on

    Connections between Project 2025 tenets and Trump statements:

    **Christian Nationalism**

    **Canceling Climate Change**

    **Control of the Federal Government**

    **Use the DoJ and FBI to arrest critics and opponents**

    **Fire the Civil Service**

    **Replace civil servants with loyalists**

    **Mass Deportations**

    **Make abortion illegal**

    **Canceling transgender rights**

  13. theseustheminotaur on

    I know nothing about it BUT disagree with part of it. Some of it is also ridiculous and abysmal, so obviously I wish them luck.


  14. jackof47trades on

    “I don’t care about religion unless it helps me accumulate wealth and power”

  15. A_Classy_Dame on

    You can’t distance yourself from this one, Donny.

    Trump had “nothing to do with them?” The Heritage Foundation who authored Project 2025 has proudly declared themselves to be a pipeline for the Trump administration and the Capitol for years. Ten minutes of research reveals the lie. Four men from the Trump cabinet are HF alumni including his damn VP. While in office, Trump applied 2/3 of the Heritage Foundation’s policy recommendations. Trump only wants to back away because the Project is getting more attention and scrutiny. Don’t let people fall for it, spread the word and keep up the pressure!

  16. i-have-a-kuato on

    In typical trump fashion he tries to claim ignorance of a particular issue while simultaneously elaborating on details contained in the issue at hand.

    It’s almost as if he is lying to his supporters.

  17. UseYourIndoorVoice on

    “I know nothing about the abysmally horrible things they do….but good luck with them!!”

  18. SouthernReality9610 on

    No caps, 3 and four syllable words and no spelling errors. Trump did not write this