It Took Russia Three Months And Thousands Of Lives To Capture One Isolated Ukrainian Neighborhood


  1. FuturePharm21 on

    I’m gonna say it now if russia is given any land from any peace talks, they will split ukraine like they did with Germany post ww2.

    I hate having to pay for a war that has 0 to do with my country, but I hate bullies more.


  2. Ukraine has something like 880 urban-type settlements. If Russia captures one, it’s only 0.1% of that.

    If Russia captures one in three months, it would take them 110 years to capture half of Ukraine.

  3. Pyrrhic victory for Russia.

    Honestly, keep or loose these towns, this is what Ukraine needs. It’s a war of attrition now so it’s all about maximising the rate of Russia’s losses in men, vehicles, equipment and supplies to an unsustainable rate while keeping the Ukrainian losses to a minimum.

    Does Russia have a lot of equipment and men? Yes, BUT Russia will not fight to the last man, the last APC/IFV, the last tank or the last fighter/bomber. Russia will stop when those numbers become threatening low for the purposes of defending the rest of Russia.

    Ukraine is fighting to defend Ukraine, so they will fight to the last. The numbers aren’t nearly as far apart as they seem on straight paper.