Russia 1 apparently showed that one video of a Russia soldier shooting his comrade after an fpv attack (video from Russianocontext)(translation requested )

Posted by banana_man_man_


  1. AleksejsIvanovs on

    The female nazi tells that these were Ukrainian soldiers (we all know these were russians). Then the bearded nazi explains that it’s an example of “Ukrainian animalistic fascist essence”. He adds that these probably are not Ukrainians, but foreign soldiers. Well, he’s right on the last one. Nothing changes in russia, they always lie.

  2. GoreonmyGears on

    Pure speculation but, I think that’s Patrick Lancaster. He’s this propaganda war journalist for ryssia that’s been frequently going to the front lines to record for social media. He normally posts regularly, and he hasn’t since around the time this video came out. But the clothing he wears is very similar to what the guy in the video has on. Video guy looks more civilian than military. Same body build. And finally, I absolutely could see him asking for the head shot. Been waiting for him to get his come-upance

  3. Translation what the bearded pig is saying, it’s almost like he is projecting ruzzians:

    >”This video really shows their animalistic nature, such a fascist ideology that is ingrained in them. Of course, those are mercenaries who are selected for the front line. I’m not even sure if they are the Ukrainians. Most likely, they are some outsiders, mercenaries who came from abroad and couldn’t care less about their fellow countrymen.”

  4. TheOracle722 on

    The MAGA media will soon pick this up and Marjorie Taylor-Greene will introduce a motion in the House condemning Ukraine. After that Fucker Carlson will “interview” the soldiers mom.

    In saner times this would have sounded outlandish but the US Alex Jones media world of today has unfortunately become mainstream.

  5. DuffMcSausage on

    I found this video strange from the get go. The guy in the middle that gets hit by the fpv is unarmed and wearing a T-shirt, the other 2 are all decked out. Could he have been a POW? I don’t know what unit released the vid was it Russian or Ukrainian? I do not see any markings on any of these guys that tells me what side they are on. What kind of gun is used at the end? Is it an AK?

  6. SpaceShrimp on

    So dead Russian soldiers are regarded as Ukrainians?

    Good, then they have even less to fight for. They are apparently worth close to nothing to Russia while alive, and even less when dead.

    One day they will start fighting the real enemy of Russia, but that day is not today, so more of them will die.

  7. #Translation.

    They treat their brothers in arms (ukrainian word for it) as harmful insects. Those guys (ukrainian word for it), while losing positions were running as far as they can. Near one of AFU warrior drone is landing. Explosion, smoke is wanishing. Militant is making faces due to pain (calling “militant” rightful owner of land is beyond hypocricy). Even without sorting out whats happened, his companion is cynically shooting his head.

    This video is truely showing their animalistic entity. Fascistic ideology that is in their brain. Mercenaries are being selected for front line duty. Im not sure theyre ukrainians. More likely those are outsiders, forced here, who were hired, who arent locals, who dont care about their brothers in arms (maskovian word that time).

    Brothers in arms (maskovian word here) if it were one case, but its not only one.

  8. Russian propaganda does not make people stupid, it is made for stupid people.

  9. Difficult_Stand_2545 on

    I saw the original video, it is a Russian captive who was droned by his own people. Notice he is wearing green Russian uniform and doesn’t have a weapon. The man who shoots him is wearing multicam.

  10. donotressucitate on

    I bet even fox news is like “Ohhh… That can be disproven dude… Maybe don’t do this. Or try. Wvr.”

  11. Is there any proof that this is a Russian uniform? I see very common items (helmets, boots, vests) that used by both armys

  12. smokinjoefrazer on

    Their day will come!!! Alot sooner than they think ,the GOOD russians will grow a set of balls “after enough of their children, husbands, fathers,”are pushed into to a meat grinder “SMO”, rise up ,they need to “the army , the generals the ones who see that this crazy man is going to take the world to hell and the Russians are going to be at the bottom of it if they don’t do something , they have been taking everything from the Russian people for so long and never has a time come like this since 1917/89/91 to take their future into their own hands , come on lads it’s either go get fucked up invade someone elses country or take your own one back

  13. SeaworthinessOk2989 on

    # “We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.”“We know that they are lying, they know that they are lying, they even know that we know they are lying, we also know that they know we know they are lying too, they of course know that we certainly know they know we know they are lying too as well, but they are still lying. In our country, the lie has become not just moral category, but the pillar industry of this country.”


    ― Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

  14. UndeadMonarch1 on

    No wonder many Russians and trolls online say “500k dead Ukrainians” they are counting dead orcs as Ukrainians. Russia is literally room temperature IQs all around…not even room temperature those fuckers are inbred levels IQ

  15. Before I clicked this post I knew the outcome would be good, why ?

    1. If they haven’t lied, the Z-tards would be scared to share the same fate on the battlefield = more conscription evasion and refusal to fight
    2. In current case they “portrayed” UkroBros as relentless and non-hesitant units, still making Z-tards fear to meet ruthless and determined enemy.

    In best case it would be if they didn’t show it at all, but hey thats muscovites, lies are not always working

  16. Doesn’t it look as if the dude that got hit was pointing at his head after he got hit. As if asking his buddy to hook him up with a mercy kill. Fucked.