Russian’s new African forces are something really to behold (a parade in Chelyabinsk)


  1. Independent_Lie_9982 on

    They’ve given the VDV berets.

    The SKS rifles are the least strange part because it’s a common parade / ceremonial firearm in Russia (and Ukraine).

  2. Due_Yogurtcloset_212 on

    Wow, just need to throw a few goats in for good luck and they’ll be fully ready for combat.

  3. EthanIndigo on

    About half of the world is convinced that if they fight against the US and US allies they are fighting for humanity. I wonder how that happened?

  4. Lariat_Advance1984 on

    Incredible and inspiring – for a dance studio in a Midwest 4th of July parade. Not so much for a “military” unit.

  5. Mad_Stockss on

    I see a bunch of white men watching a couple of black slaves perform a pre-death ritual.

    How could Africa sink this low.

  6. Snafuregulator on

    This is why I prefer my own country when it comes to cadence. No pony prancing and we just talk smack for awhile. Smack about literally  anything. Moms, ourselves, someones wife, that guy that we are passing who’s cover is unsat. Nothing is off limits.

  7. Willem_van_Oranje on

    Just because their marching and rhythm are different, it doesn’t make them inferior. Spoiler: It’s because they’re from a different culture.

    It is very dark though, with the Russians in the background, knowing they’re sending them to their deaths for the worst reasons.

  8. bingobongokongolongo on

    They are showing off how they will search for mines in Ukraine.

  9. KnotSoSalty on

    I remember watching an interview with a Brit who fought in Ukraine and mentioned that the Ukrainian Army had completely gotten rid of all marching or formation drill. He thought it didn’t make any difference at all.

  10. Just to be objective these could be foreign cadets from one of military academies, who are studying to become officers in armies of they own countries. It is hard to tell without seen their uniforms close.
    At least I saw something like that in my naval school back in 1989.

  11. How is this inspiring?

    I suspect this actually back fires on the observers just like “great Volkssturm parades” on Nov12 1944 actual convinced many Germans that the war was lost as troops showed up without any training, not even uniforms.

  12. SkidRowAlbertan on

    Muscovy recruitment told them they’re going to Ruzzias Got Talent.