He charged me 130 euros to get from Athens airport to Piraeus. Also didn’t take card.

Did I get scammed? I also have the receipt but don’t read Greek so don’t know which is his number to report him (and where to report him?)


Posted by AtlasHephaestus


  1. This is not a receipt. I guess you were scammed.

    Regarding the price all I know is that a taxi from the airport to the center of Athens is about 50 euros.

    I haven’t taken a taxi from the airport to the port.

  2. Yes you got scammed. Airport to Piraeus port should cost around 60e, 70+ if its after midnight.The plate number of the taxi, bottom left is not there, he just wrote TAXI lol.Call the taxi service where you called the taxi from and tell them about it, mention the time you got picked up and maybe they can provide some info.

  3. ParryDotter on

    Where it says “Driver Name” he wrote down “130 euros”. Sorry mate…

  4. Cultural_Spinach586 on

    Sorry man that’s not even a receipt. That’s a voucher for preordering radio taxi. Greek taxi drivers are the scum of the earth. Use the app if you take a taxi again in Athens. Next time you take a taxi ask them how much is it going to cost more or less, etc 10-15, 20-30 . If they don’t tell you don’t get in that’s, what I do. Also an ashole asked 30 euros for a 17 euro trip a few years ago ( I had done the same route a lot ), so I told him I’ll pay whatever the meter says or I’m calling the police. Anyway don’t ever get into a taxi , it’s better to walk or even lease a helicopter in Greece.

  5. Chemical-Version-197 on

    Even if you had the receipt, I doubt anyone would do something about it. Is Greece.

    Precaution is your best friend. Always try to find out in advance the cost of the services, ask for price lost or ask the price before you buy anything.

    For taxi services better use some app where they can at least do something in case of a dispute.

    As for the lowlife trash who scammed you. Skata ston tafo tou.

  6. Athens taxi drivers are the worst and most dishonest scumbag people in the whole of Greece. You can put more trust in gypsies and thieves than in Athens taxi drivers.

    I once got a fake receipt for 50€ traveling from the airport to Chalandri, back when I was counting every penny and was relying on my company compensating me for my expenses. (Was leaving abroad working for a tech company)

    Having lost my 50€ refund was so bad at the time that I had to forgo groceries for a week just because that scumbag taxi driver gave me a fake receipt I couldn’t claim as an expense. I’m talking about a really bad period of my life as in “borrowing” tp from the office and scavenging biscuits from meeting rooms at my company to get by that week.

    I have a deep hate for them since that day and when I have to get an airport taxi I always book online and pay by card and have a guy waiting for me at arrivals with my name on a sign and everything. I never got a taxi without online booking and payment since then.

    Things are much better financially for me these days but seriously fuck all Athens taxi drivers. Fuck them passionate, roughly and sans lubricant until they bleed. Then fuck them some more.

  7. RoboGandalf on

    You can try reporting, but I highly doubt anything will actually happen.

    Your best bet is using that sweet sweet public transpo or apps. Hailing a cab is gonna resort in overpaying.
    My wife and I were talking English (she’s Greek, I’m American)in the back of a cab, we got charged about double what we normally get charged for that route. She looked at him spoke some Greek and the price went back down to the usual price, actually a bit cheaper cause homie knew he fucked up.

    It’s tourist season, so people are gonna try to charge you more, get that receipt always. Ask questions about charges.

  8. BladeRunner2021_ on

    Only through FreeNow or Uber call a taxi in this 3rd World country,
    and payment through app by card and always ask for receipt.
    Show this receipt to the airport authorities or the taxi offices at the airport.
    Don’t let this greek scam get away with it again..

  9. Cptobvious90 on

    Use Uber or Freenow app. That way you can see what you will pay in advance to whom.

  10. There is literally a “metro” line M3 that takes you from the Airport straight the Piraeus port and it does it 10 minutes slower than a taxi. You pay 9 euros per person to go to the port.

  11. Realistic-Chance1740 on

    Ξέρει κανεις αν πάρω ταξί μέσω της εφαρμογής freenow πόση ωρα θα κάνει να έρθει στο αεροδρόμιο;

  12. Something that is not mentioned by anyone as far as I can see, if you are not given a real receipt then by law you are not required to pay, so if you use a taxi and the taximeter is not running you can either mention it at the start and tell him to turn it on or if you are feeling vengeful and confrontational keep quiet and then tell him you are not paying since he can’t provide you with a real receipt of the trip.

    All receipts now have a QR code on them and you can use the Appodixi App from the app store to verify it is a real receipt. The app was launched by the government to try and negate tax evasion and help people avoid fake receipts. If you get a receipt without a QR code then 99.9% chance it is not an official receipt (there are still some stores that have old POS since the mandatory change date was changed due to high demand for new ones leaving businesses unable to change them on time).

  13. Download Uber. It offers the best drivers and the best cars, most have >4.8 ratings. Always use the app and always refuse to pay cash. If you think you are getting scammed tell them that you will call the police.