Years of life lost due to smoking in European countries [OC]

Posted by DonScorleosis


  1. DonScorleosis on

    I made this visualisation combining WHO data on smoking prevalence per country, and CBS data on the effect of smoking on lifespan.

    WHO: [](

    CBS: [](

    Tools used: Google Sheets. 

    I’ve made an interactive tool to find out the effect of your individual smoking habits on expected lifespan on: 


    The tool also includes calculations on the effects of other health vices and virtues like sleep, BMI, alcohol, physical activity etc. 

    Tools used: ChartJS

  2. mantellaaurantiaca on

    This makes no sense at all. Why would you calculate the effect of smoking across the entire population including those who don’t smoke at all? The differences across countries are completely driven by prevalence and nothing else. This is statistical misrepresentation.

  3. LillaMartin on

    I dont really understand. Both norway and sweden says 1,2 on male but the bar in norway is longer.
    And the female is fewer in norway then sweden but still they rank worse then sweden.

  4. People might not smoke much in a Sweden but a lot of people do snus instead which is still tobacco or nicotine use, just in a different form. It always feels weird when people only look at smoking and it gives the impression Sweden is doing such a great job when we’ve really just replaced the lung cancer risk with a mouth cancer risk. Snus is even illegal in the rest of the EU for supposedly being unhealthier than cigarettes lol.