White House Fumes Over Report He’s Considering Dropping Out of Race



  1. thenewrepublic on

    >The report seems to be the first indication that Biden understands the stakes here. Publicly, the campaign has insisted that concerns over his debate performance are nothing more than misplaced anxiety from “the bedwetting brigade.”

  2. flyover_liberal on

    >“the bedwetting brigade.”

    So, I agree that the coverage, commentary, and conversation have been pretty breathless and panic-stricken, but this kind of language doesn’t help.

    You don’t get to crater that badly in a debate and ignore the concerns that arise. Joe Biden is still able to perform the duties of his office and execute the campaign – and he should find a way to demonstrate that immediately.

  3. brashendeavors on

    >A CBS poll conducted after the first presidential debate found an astonishing 72 percent of voters don’t think Biden has the mental and cognitive health to serve as president. Following the debate, the razor-thin margins between Biden and Trump widened slightly, with Trump leading Biden by 41 to 38 percent, according to polling from USA Today/Suffolk University and 41.8 to 40.4 percent according to 538. A CNN poll published Monday found an eye-popping 75 percent of voters think Democrats have a better chance of retaining the White House if Biden isn’t the nominee. That’s a lot of bedwetters.

  4. Scarlettail on

    He’s welcome at any time to head up to the podium and tell the country exactly what he plans to do, including not drop out. He can dispel all of this with a simple televised statement if he really wanted to.

  5. IAmOnFire57 on

    What the actual fuck are we doing here Biden Admin/DNC? I’ll vote for a stump over any Republican but like what the actual fuck is this timeline.

    Modern day Democratic Party needs to be launched into the Sun. My copium fantasy is that when Trump wins in 2024 there will be a tidal wave populist left wing movement in 2028 as a result

  6. EridanusVoid on

    We don’t really know what is going on behind the scenes, but they will deny it until it happens. They can’t be like “uhhh maybe he will drop out”.

  7. SqueeezeBurger on

    In 1838, 23 years before he became President, Lincoln presented his essay titled “Perpetuation of our Political Institutions” to the Young Men’s Lyceum in Springfield Illinois.

    [Please take 20 minutes out of your day to listen to his words.](https://youtu.be/GB6rPqD1Mnw?si=yiNwNiNVXwcRHygj)

    [You can read the essay here](https://www.abrahamlincolnonline.org/lincoln/speeches/lyceum.htm)

    Pass this on to ANYONE who claims they are an American. Have them listen to this. Have them hear from Lincoln that what is happening is unAmerican.

  8. NeedleworkerBusy4522 on

    They fume? They mad at us? It’s our fault?

    Hurry the fuck up and put someone in there who can walk, speak loudly, and tell us we’re gonna whip that cry babies’ ass into oblivion in the election.

    You’re wetting the bed this time, dumb ass.

  9. ToughCurrent8487 on

    I don’t think the NYT would’ve posted the article if it wasn’t a legit report. I’d be worried if Biden wasn’t considering dropping out after seeing the public’s reaction to the debate.

  10. _Hans_Vermhat_ on

    Bidens legacy may be defined by his decision to stay or drop out of the race. Especially if he stays in and loses he will be always be viewed negatively. But if he drops out and the Dem candidate wins, his career would end in a moment of selfless wisdom

  11. Oh are we at the point where the DNC tells us to shut up and fall in line behind their terrible candidate? Cool

  12. Alternative_Car_3823 on

    I just know that I watched that debate with a massive knot in my stomach, I really lost all faith watching him grapple with making a sentence while Trump just hit him with a firehose of bullshit and lies with no pushback. I really want Biden, and America, to succeed but I’m really not sure Biden has what it takes to actually fight, and fight hard, to win a campaign against Trump.

  13. The campaign blamed Biden’s collapse on a cold. Then they blamed it on Trump being a liar and hard to debate. Then they blamed his debate prep team. And now he’s trying to blame an international trip he took 2 weeks prior.

    What the fuck are we doing?

  14. Imagine tanking in such a spectacular way that it’s understandable and believable that you might consider dropping out. Then, in reaction to looking like a victim of elder abuse, people suggest you might drop out. So what do you do? Double down, cite a headcold, call the concerned people bedwetters and pretend like nothing happened. This will go well for them.

    And lets be honest…anyone who watched that debate knows Biden is more likely going to be wetting the bed soon than most of the people they insults. Was like the barely-walking dead

  15. These_Purple_5507 on

    This is called losing control of the situation and denying facts at this point

  16. MrFunktasticc on

    I say this as a person who would vote for a corpse to prevent racism from taking over. I phonebanked last time around and am canvassing/volunteering on campaign events thus time:

    Are you fucking kidding me? They just ruled that Trump can be a king and your response is “I’ll won’t abuse my power”?!?!?!? Fucking great – what are you doing to prevent all of us from being at their mercy. What’s the plan? How are you dealing with the iceberg were about to hit???

  17. ThisWhatUGet on

    He steps down and announces that he is too old and that people his age shouldn’t run and then replace him with a Gavin Newsom and Trump is finished

  18. fidelitycrisis on

    “Bedwetting Brigade” has to be the most condescending response possible to the very real (virtually unanimous) concerns voters have for a candidate whose visible aging has rapidly increased over the past year.

    I love Joe, I think he’s done a fine job, but him dying in office is a near certainty and Kamala is one of the least liked politicians the democrats have to offer. If by some chance Biden wins, the DMC will try to shove her down our throats in four years and we will be back in the same position of fighting against whatever Christian nationalist candidate takes over the party after Trump.

  19. Fumes? Are we fucking serious rn? What’s with these headlines? Biden literally just came out and made it clear he’s the one headlining the Democratic Party? WTF. Did the media turn over night?

  20. twelfthcapaldi on

    Cool. How about we do something, *anything*. All of these horrific Supreme Court decisions: silence. Heritage Foundation leader openly saying they want a revolution: silence. It’s time to fucking *do something*.

  21. BurnedTheLastOne9 on

    Maybe he should fume at the corruption of the supreme court. Maybe he should fume at the damn people making public statements about second American revolutions. Maybe he should do something to get this country under control. Maybe even more than just fume at bullshit rumors.