H’okay so in the media’s eyes, being old with a stutter is infinitely worse than *checks notes* raping girls on Epstein Island

Posted by Chumlee1917


  1. BagelShop88 on

    I mean… Sure. Should they be reporting that? Yes. But this sounds very close to being a whataboutism. Trump being a monster does not mean Biden shouldn’t step aside.

  2. DixonFillerup on

    No. They don’t ask for Trump to step down no matter what he does because he’s the bad guy. Every single thing he does is expected. Priced in. Every single thing.

    Biden is the good guy. He can’t fuck up. Losing faith in the good guy doesn’t work. Can’t lose faith in the bad guy… he’s already the bad guy.

  3. “Democrats call on Trump to drop out of the race because he’s bad.” Is that a news story that makes sense? No. OP just wants Democrats to accept a shitty candidate because Republicans did too.

  4. Goliath0422 on

    Yes. Republicans have a dubious view on the age of consent and would elect a pedophile. What else is new? Doesn’t stop the fact that the polls show Biden should drop out.

  5. marysmendozakue976k on

    The absurdity of media stereotypes can be quite amusing when broken down like this.

  6. AdhesivenessFun2060 on

    Trump could say that his first order of business is to give the country to Russia while standing next to putin and the NYT whole front cover would be a picture of biden with his eyes closed with a sleepy Joe headline.

  7. everythingbeeps on

    Nothing Biden did or said at that debate was as alarming as *anything* Trump said.

    People are literally basing the entire debate on the apparent energy of the candidate.

  8. Here is the thing…if conservative media doesn’t report on it, it didn’t happen as far as MAGA is concerned.

  9. I keep seeing these posts, but none of them links to any kind of proof. Can someone share? Plenty of articles that mention Trump as being buddies with the child rapist guy, but I can’t find anything with any kind of proof that he raped kids.

  10. Confident_Force_944 on

    Trump should stand down. There you go, completely disqualified himself by his behavior.

    Biden should stand down too, so we can win this election.

  11. Being a rapist and/ or pedophile is a selling point for these people. There is no meeting these scummy sub-humans at a halfway point, nor would I want to. Fear and hate are all they know, you *have* to make them fear running their mouth more than they enjoy being douchebags.

  12. Some_Random_Android on

    “You know what, I could tolerate him wanting to have sex with his daughter, but raping children is too much!” Low bar, but MAGAT won’t even clear this. 🙁

  13. Not a time for whataboutism, Biden even if he is able to make it till November won’t for four more years, he won’t get younger or more alert, we need him to step down for the country, check my history I’m a liberal, not Russian, guys we need to keep our eyes open.

  14. Reddit is being brigaded by the same groups that were sowing Bernie-bro division in 2016 and 2020.