39 tanks, HIMARS, munition: Germany quietly transfers giant arms delivery to Ukraine



  1. stackoverflow21 on

    Translated article:

    Kiev – In Germany, the European Football Championship 2024 is running (14. June to 14. July) at full speed, and every now and then even the summer breaks through.

    Meanwhile, the Ukraine war continues far away unchecked – bloody, brutal, depressing. Russia attacks uninhibited, despite bad losses among its own people, Moscow keeps running its soldiers. Many of them are going to death in the neighboring country.

    In order for Ukraine to continue to defend itself against the attack contrary to international law, Berlin Kiev sent Kiev the next huge military package for its army virtually secretly and largely unnoticed at the end of June and the beginning of July. Among other things, it concerns 39 tanks from stocks of the German arms industry and the Bundeswehr.

    This is evident from the list of military support services of the traffic light federal government from the SPD, Greens and FDP. Among other things, the Ukrainian armed forces from Germany received ten more Leopard 1A5 battle tanks and twenty more Marder gun tanks last week. This increased the number of “Marder” delivered from the Federal Republic in the Ukraine war to 120, that of the prepared “Leos” 1 (from the 1960s) to a total of 50 so far.

    According to the Federal Government’s website, in addition to ammunition for the Leopard 1 and the Marder, there were two other bridge-laying tanks Biber (previously 19), two additional pioneer tanks Dachs (previously nine), a Bergepanzer 2 (previously 17) and four other mine clearance tanks Wisent 1 (previously 38). In total, Germany is working on the delivery of up to 105 renovated Leopard 1A5. Ukraine, for its part, hopes to be able to set up an attack brigade for offensive operations with the “Leos” and the “Mardens” again, after holding back the remaining Western tanks conspicuously defensively for months.

    A flaw: According to the Ukrainian army’s own information, the Federal Ministry of Defense actually wanted to provide up to 80 Leopard 1A5 by the end of 2023 in a project jointly financed with Denmark. However, this number has been significantly missed in recent months. Also because, according to its own information, the German armaments industry has to search for the spare parts for finally delivered tanks from old stored tanks.

    Meanwhile, while the Russian fighter pilots already have to uncouple their gliding bombs over Russia, the traffic light coalition has also confirmed further deliveries to Ukraine in terms of air defense. For example, there was also an additional air defense system IRIS-T SLM (previously three) from Germany and another air defense system IRIS-T SLS (previously one) to protect critical infrastructure and cities against insidious Russian air strikes.

    Almost sensational is a delivery of weapons that now appears for the first time on the list of the traffic light coalition: three HIMARS multi-rocket launchers. Because: The Bundeswehr does not have the HIMARS in its artillery stock, but the technically very similar MLRS multi-rocket launchers, of which the Ukrainians received four pieces after the Russian attack from the Federal Republic in 2022.

    At the beginning of May, Federal Minister of Defense Boris Pistorius (SPD) had made public after talks with his US counterpart Lloyd Austin that Germany would pay for the delivery of three HIMARS rocket artillery systems from the USA to Ukraine. The new, huge military package from Berlin now also included the HIMARS.

  2. Damn, two IRIS-T systems one short one medium range. Plus all those other systems, thats a lot of hardware. Industry is rolling now, the rest of this year should be good

  3. Also, this is the first time someone other than US delivered HIMARS launchers to Ukraine, I believe.