A Ukrainian drone magically healed a wounded russian occupier on a stretcher


Posted by TotalSpaceNut


  1. Kirkanpolttaja on

    Oh, so thats why they are sending the crippeled soldiers back to the frontline.

  2. Mr6thborough_516NY on

    This is wayy too funny not to laugh 🤣🤣,he ran faster than the ones that were carrying him

  3. Healed him? Fucking gave him bionic legs, he took off like the 6 million dollar man!

  4. Sunnyjim333 on

    Brave Sir Ruzzin ran away.

    Bravely ran away away.

    When danger reared it’s ugly head,
    He bravely turned his tail and fled.

    Yes, brave Sir Ruzzin turned about
    And gallantly he chickened out.

    Swiftly taking to his feet,
    He beat a very brave retreat.
    Bravest of the brave, Sir Ruzzin!

  5. Either he was never injured, and maybe they thought Ukraine wouldn’t bomb an injured soldier or he was injured, knows how bad it gets, and adrenaline kicked in to survive.

  6. I was laughing like crazy, I haven’t do it for a long time. Holy bomb blessed him and gave him super-speed.

  7. DormantSpector61 on

    Forrest Gumpovina finds his stride in the 2024 Drone Avoidance Olympiad

  8. guyonanuglycouch on

    Russian officer just trying to get some sleep in while emphasizing his superiority to the enlisted men. Naturally he had elsewhere to be when things explode

  9. impulse_thoughts on

    It’s why they target hospitals and medics with no qualms. It’s because using it as cover to not get attacked is part of their regular arsenal. Using schools, shopping malls and other large buildings to warehouse their troops and vehicles is their standard military practice, so they bomb Ukrainian shopping malls and schools, with the expectation that they do the same.

    It’s always projection.

  10. The Pope is reviewing this video as I write and soon enough the Ukrainian solder that was commanding the drone will be getting a Saint certificate for the miracle accomplished. News update: that Russian just passed through Belarus border and is headed north at the same speed we see on the clip…

  11. Definitely a brave officer taking a break, he was well rested. Not ready to become a sunflower yet.

  12. The other guys just left thinking “Yo Dimitri, what the fuck! You lazy bastard!”