Biden to Hold Crisis Meeting With Democratic Governors at the White House


  1. ThisAppleThisApple on


    Gonna say this one more time before this post also gets removed or downvoted to hell:

    We all saw what we saw last week. Burying our heads in the sand and pretending we didn’t see some incredibly concerning lapses in judgment and coherency makes us no better than the MAGA base we’ve been horrified by for the past 8 years.

    I’m feeling disgusted by the Democrats who are acting like it’s absurd to expect a competent leader–the Democrats who are telling us we’re voting for his (very insular) team. I remember being horrified by that [Anonymous Trump op-ed](–but now Democrats are telling us that we should be grateful to vote for the competent staff members around a senile Biden. What is happening?! I thought we were better than this.

    And people who keep saying that senile Biden is better than Trump–of course! I’d prefer to swim with a sea cucumber over a fucking shark, but I wouldn’t trust the sea cucumber to win that fight!

    Biden should resign now. He can say he still believes he can serve the American people, but he also understands that he’s lost our trust and knows he’ll be most effective campaigning and mentoring the new candidates now. Kamala can be the first female president, but say that the current threats to democracy as a result of the recent SCOTUS decisions require her full attention–this should alleviate concerns about the potential impacts of passing her over. Meanwhile, Whitmer or Buttigieg can hit the ground running and inject some much-needed energy and competency into this race.

  2. Gardening_Socialist on

    Yesterday it was a meeting to “shore up their support.”

    Now it’s a “crisis meeting.”

    They need to pull off the band aid and tag in a fresh fighter with a full health meter and new special moves.

  3. WumboFries007 on

    I’m worried losing the incumbency advantage and basically lying to America that Biden has been cognitively fine all these years will cost us the election.

  4. At the very least, everyone needs to talk about their options, weigh the risks of all of them, and decide to stand together as a united front no matter the decision. The worst possible outcome out of all of this is that we splinter off into different factions.

  5. ToughCurrent8487 on

    We already have the “never Trump votes” we need the “I hate both options” votes. Hopefully the democratic governors can be honest with Biden and he can be realistic that the “I hate both” will be the deciders of this election and we need a younger candidate.

  6. SqueeezeBurger on

    In 1838, 23 years before he became President, Lincoln presented his essay titled “Perpetuation of our Political Institutions” to the Young Men’s Lyceum in Springfield Illinois.

    [Please take 20 minutes out of your day to listen to his words.](

    [You can read the essay here](

    Pass this on to ANYONE who claims they are an American. Have them listen to this. Have them hear from Lincoln that what is happening is unAmerican.

  7. digitalgearz on

    So is it going to be a showdown between Biden and Democratic governors vs the Heritage Foundation? Interesting times we’re in.

  8. Javasndphotoclicks on

    You have 124 days to decide if you want a dictator or to stay a republic.

  9. Ok-Reserve6251 on

    Finally. It is indeed a crisis, and we need more planning meetings from those reasonable heads left in power who can work together and stop trump, stop republicans, stop the corrupted elements of the SCOTUS, and stop more fascist power grabs.

    **Vote against conservatives on all counts no matter what they do**

    Get that vote in no matter what it takes.

  10. I’m hoping Biden plan is to get someone else to run that has great acceptance across the board and then Biden will make himself a martyr by using this Supreme Court ruling to its full extent

  11. Convergentshave on

    Honestly just get… fucking anyone under 60 and flip it to how old and convicted felon trump is. It’s a hail fucking Mary anyways, and the fact this meeting is even being reported means Joe is totally fucked. Jesus. How the hell did they screw this up this bad? With 4 months till the election? 🤦🏽‍♂️

  12. There’s zero advantage to him staying. 

    Every other dem polls the same as he does. There’s no incumbent advantage.  He’s unlikely to get a second debate as Trump won’t give him the opportunity to look alive. 

    But what happens next week when he forgets a name? Or in 3 weeks when he stutters? Or next month when he slips walking?  The stories about his decline aren’t just going to stop with the debate. It’s every news cycle from here to November.  

  13. Miles_vel_Day on

    The Times is publishing like, literally 60 stories a day about Biden dropping out.

    It’s… not really okay, people.

  14. utter-ridiculousness on

    I don’t know the answer here but they really, really need to figure this shit out. Bad shit on the horizon.

  15. Fighting over Biden is worse optics and an alarming distraction over the far bigger crisis of an unhinged suppreme court setting the stage for authoritarianism

  16. Keep an eye on NY Times headlines…they are definitely adding fear to this soup.

  17. This needs to be a very candid discussion. Folks need to leave their feelings at the door and speak what’s on their mind. It’s that simple.

  18. thomaskerr1027 on

    Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker
    California Gov. Gavin Newsom
    Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer
    Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear
    New York Gov. Kathy Hochul
    Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz
    Massachusetts Gov. Maura Healy
    Rhode Island Gov. Dan McKee
    Maryland Gov. Wes Moore

    List of confirmed governors attending in person.

  19. Yes. Fucking *do* something. Anything. Wolves aren’t even “at the door” anymore. They’re helping themselves to the fridge and the Dems are huddling in hubris in the living room.

  20. h0pedivision on

    I don’t care who the democratic nominee is. I’ll vote for whoever isn’t Donald Trump

  21. He should bow out and whoever runs instead should announce legalizing Marijuana and they’d get the youth vote for sure.

  22. NotThatAngel on

    Huh. I read the headline and assumed it was the crisis involving the ongoing coup by a felon and his accomplices on the Republican SCOTUS.

  23. The Democrats must be loyal to the ideal of democracy and protect the order and their achievements from the last 4 years. They have to protect the USA and the rest of the world from Trump and his cohort of greedy sycophants, “gray” investors and dictators he considers role-models

    If Joe Biden is not capable of doing another term, then so be it. I admire the man for the heart he has shown and the fact he pulled USA from the deep mud Trump pushed it into. It doesn’t matter if he was just the figurehead and the team did the work. He has sacrificed 4 years of his life to serve as a president of the USA and didn’t grift like the orange menace.

    God forbid that lunatic grabs the power again.

  24. Gavin Newsom would eviscerate Trump in a debate. I would pay money to see that.

  25. masstransience on

    Crisis meeting because the Trump’s Court just grabbed even more power that puts the US into the middle of a jurisdictional coup that ignores the constitution.

  26. LargeMobOfMurderers on

    I’m not from the US, but its maddening to see a bad debate seemingly do this much apparent damage to Biden when Trump was doing worse shit every week. Trump could make fun of the disabled, talk about wanting to fuck his daughter, and shit talk dead US troops and everyone seems to just accept it. Biden gets put under the microscope for every stutter, the scales could not be any more rigged.

    Too many leftists and centrists get lost in the sauce and overthink things. Whose less of a shit bag? Biden or Trump? Boom, there’s who you vote for. Done, easy.

  27. MechanicalSpiders on

    I would accept Kamala Harris, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Gavin Newsom, Gretchen Whitmer- just ANY competent politician under 70 for Christ’s sake.

  28. NOLA-Bronco on

    Conspiracy Hat:

    Biden is having a 1 on 1 meeting with Harris for lunch

    He is then meeting with a group of governors, many rumored to be secretly vying for the opportunity to replace him

    Friday he is doing a taped interview with a former Democratic staffer

    One way to read this is the boring way, he is trying to get the sheep back in line and reassuring his VP.

    The other way is that it’s a lot more than that. He is meeting with Harris to announce he would be endorsing her if he steps aside, telling the governors to fall in line behind the VP, and then will use ABC’s interview to clear the air and endorse Harris…..third way is he does to Harris what Obama did to him in an ultimate twist of irony, and tells Harris she’s not right for the moment and that he will release his delegates without an endorsement. Last way is he is doing a classic Biden thing and attempting to negotiate and maneuver an amicable exit while doing one last political maneuver on the way out to make sure the Party doesn’t devolve into chaos.

    Sort of think he’s simply trying to desperately get everyone in line though….But it is peculiar how a whole day is being spent on this and not, you know, some sort of public facing endeavor after once again mostly going dark since the weekend and one canned teleprompter speech about the SC ruling.