How It’s Going: Supreme Court 2024

Posted by glassjar1


  1. mindclarity on

    That’s the problem, isn’t it. Once confirmed, it doesn’t matter what they said under oath. There is no viable mechanism to address this problem aside from a supermajority in both chambers of congress and impeachment. Pretty sure you could assume a scenario where a Supreme Justice is found to have a basement full of dead and abused children and a laptop with CP and conservatives would still be like “I dunno man, there’s just nothing we can do, ya know? Besides it’s an election year so let’s see how this plays out.”

  2. SqueeezeBurger on

    In 1838, 23 years before he became President, Lincoln presented his essay titled “Perpetuation of our Political Institutions” to the Young Men’s Lyceum in Springfield Illinois.

    [Please take 20 minutes out of your day to listen to his words.](

    [You can read the essay here](

    Pass this on to ANYONE who claims they are an American. Have them listen to this. Have them hear from Lincoln that what is happening is unAmerican.

  3. MoonedToday on

    i am so sad and disheartened by the way the United States is going. I think my wife and I are going to leave next year. We have the means and have researched places to go. It’s just sad that democracy is going away here. Playing by the rules isn’t really working for the Dems.

  4. It’s technically true because they bent the law to give the President legal immunity. He wasn’t above the law. They moved the law to cover Trump.

  5. mochicrunch_ on

    I like how Barrett gave the most informed response which shows how a court can be completely detached from the realities of things, yeah, you can rule one way, but you’re not responsible for how people execute on that ruling

  6. This is why Biden should win. After Biden wins, gains more congressional seats, then he would have his new “official” immunity granted by the courts and a congress that can enforce it. Roe V. Wade gets codified, More judges gets on the SC, and if biden does make “official” acts that could fix things, it has congressional support. These things matter. if there is anything Republicans got Democrats beat on, its that they are willing to ride with their convicted felon rapist to the very end and play the long game. Democrats give up so easily .

  7. bajatacosx3 on

    If true history is still being taught in the U.S. in 100 years, this will be the watershed moment they point to…


    Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has announced her intention to file for the impeachment of the Supreme Court.

    Now, I know many out here want to hang these traitors.  I admit I would not be opposed to seeing it.  However, we are not Trump and his cult and are not all about the political violence.  

    Find your representative and start e-mailing them to support the impeachment of the Supreme Court.  And don’t send one.  Send as many as you can.  Flood the inbox.  Make them hear your voice like you are screaming in their faces.  It’s time we demand these corrupt oathbreaking traitors accountable to the Constitution they have failed and show them no one is above the law.

  9. Obviously they’ve been compromised. They are not espousing the same beliefs as they did. They’ve been coerced or persuaded or bribed. It’s so obvious. Impeach this court

  10. Limp_Distribution on

    They all lied under oath.

    If we don’t impeach them there is absolutely no chance for democracy going forward. Packing the court will kick the can down the road. Holding them accountable to their words spoken to Congress will help us start to heal.

  11. momoenthusiastic on

    This ignores the fact all of them had been operating above the law too, btw, SAing interns, taking bribes and violating flag codes, just to name a few. 

  12. You see they all had their fingers crossed. Therefore lying is okay. This is a very well known legal move.