One of the most modern missile ships of the russian navy was set on fire from the inside, and secret documents were stolen: a russian military officer voluntarily defected to the Ukrainian side

Posted by TotalSpaceNut


  1. TotalSpaceNut on

    One of the most modern missile ships of the Russian navy was set on fire from the inside, and secret documents were stolen: a Russian military officer voluntarily defected to the Ukrainian side.

    A Russian citizen with the call sign “Goga” served in the Russian Baltic Fleet and allegedly wanted to quit because of Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine. In 2023, he turned to the GUR’s I Want to Live project. Since then, he helped Ukrainian intelligence agencies and organized a sabotage on the Serpukhov ship. Together with the secret documents, “Goga” was taken out of the territory of the Russian Federation by the Ukrainian intelligence agencies, the GUR said.

  2. LaughableIKR on

    Ooh. This is going to be a big deal: the latest ship tech information and the defection of someone who used it.

  3. Burn to death by a thousand cuts the ruzzian army does… may the force be with those who are doing the cutting.
    Slava ukraini.

  4. Nice. Now if only officers near to Putin tried to pull an “Operation Valkyrie” and were successful.

  5. TomcatF14Luver on

    Six months may not sound like a lot.

    But that’s six months of repairs, refitting, and work ups and that’s supposing if Russia is able to actually conduct the repairs in a timely manner if at all.

    And that isn’t accounting for the huge intelligence and security failure for Russia and concerns of what ELSE might have been sabotaged.

    Of course, six months could also mean the actual repair itself and THEN refit and work ups. Which could mean a year or more out of action. With everything else above also a factor.

  6. UniqueRevenue1 on

    dam what a hero! but i can´t believe he just went on tv and everything! that guys is gonna look over his shoulders for a long time

  7. What a flex. He’s sitting right there, right out in the open. It’s got to be butt-clenching to go through that but there he is is, just facing Putin’s entire apparatus down. That is the face of a person who is not only brave but also highly intelligent. Showing what a smart Russian does in the face of this invasion.

    Also a huge victory for I Want to Live, hopefully more Russians will see this or learn about it and realize that they, too, have the brains to be one of the smart ones.

    And the Free Russia Legion. Apparently now they have a naval service! Make this guy an admiral, he understands what’s going on better than any of the chucklefucks in the Russian Navy who currently hold that rank.

  8. TheBodyIsR0und on

    iirc there are about four corvettes of the same class assigned to the black sea fleet. could be big news if the intelligence enables some advantage against their defenses.

  9. The only three good Russians.
    1) Dead.
    2)Scared enough or compassionate enough to surrender and live out the war as a POW.
    3) Those who actively fight their country and do stuff like this

  10. Ill-Maximum9467 on

    Please keep this guy safe. Insist he doesn’t go to a Russian speaking community in Spain etc only to get killed like that pilot was.

  11. Longjumping-Nature70 on

    This ship was deployed to the Baltic Sea in 2020 and was last seen in Kaliningrad, where it caught fire, on April 7, 2024.

    According to preliminary data, the fire occurred on the ship while it was at the Baltiysk naval base in Russia’s Kaliningrad region. The causes of the fire on the Serpukhov have not yet been disclosed.

    three months later, the cause is disclosed.

  12. After the assassination of the helicopter pilot by Russia, is it a smart idea to publically reveal this information.