Where are all the “don’t tread on me” people?

Posted by Loud-Ad-2280


  1. Woodentit_B_Lovely on

    Yeah, there’s a logical solution to this conundrum, but I doubt any of them can see it

  2. wisedoormat on

    This is one of the best iteration of this meme format i’ve ever seen

    this should be in the louvre

  3. ryhaltswhiskey on

    There’s one kind of tyranny for a gun lover: not being able to easily buy a new gun.

  4. honeybakedman on

    They just think the snake is cool, not that actual meaning of the Gadsden flag. You can tell this is the case by how many of them will have a thin blue bootlicker sticker right next to the snake flag. Who do you think does the treading motherfucker?

  5. CarlSpencer on

    If your guns are to stop tyranny, why didn’t you use them to stop the Jan 6 Insurrectionists?

  6. We need our guns to stop the make believe tyrant who maybe one day wants to regulate firearms

    Not use guns to stop the actual tyrant that had already imposed some gun control measures and proposed skipping due process when trying to take those very guns.

  7. The left button could also be: I want a small federal government with very limited power/state’s rights/etc. At least they do when someone other then their demagogic cult leader is in charge.

  8. Fake_William_Shatner on

    Turns out it was their kink.

    “Ooh, not with the spiky boots!”

  9. “The only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.”

    The believe this, despite the evidence. Despite Uvald, despite Gabby Giffords, despite logic, despite experience. It’s an axiom.

    In the same way, they see this as handing their “good guy” a gun. The good person will use this to do what they think is “right” or “sadly necessary”. They don’t see the harm it causes. Anyone who would abuse this, in a way they don’t agree with, is a bad guy.

    And like the flaw in the original truism, they believe that it’s trivial to tell the bad guy from the good guy. It’s just like the westerns, you can tell by the color of their hat.

  10. cheezy_taterz on

    Funny how according to all their behavior, the rest of the ‘don’t tread on me’ statement clearly implies ‘…while we tread on you’

  11. NotmyRealNameJohn on

    They hate have to give the president immunity so they can have an excuse for needing the guns. Duh. /s

  12. You can spot them at a lot of protests for civil rights standing shoulder to shoulder with the police against American citizens.

    They’re fascists and will be the first to sign on to the tyrannical government if it gives them permission to shoot certain groups of people.

  13. SqueeezeBurger on

    In 1838, 23 years before he became President, Lincoln presented his essay titled “Perpetuation of our Political Institutions” to the Young Men’s Lyceum in Springfield Illinois.

    [Please take 20 minutes out of your day to listen to his words.](https://youtu.be/GB6rPqD1Mnw?si=yiNwNiNVXwcRHygj)

    [You can read the essay here](https://www.abrahamlincolnonline.org/lincoln/speeches/lyceum.htm)

    Pass this on to ANYONE who claims they are an American. Have them listen to this. Have them hear from Lincoln that what is happening is unAmerican.

  14. Let’s all be honest. They just want cool toys to play with. They never cared about fighting tyrants.

  15. TheHandWavyPhysicist on

    It’s tyranny only when it personally affects them, otherwise it’s freedom. For some, in fact, freedom itself is tyranny, unless only they have freedom and anyone else must submit to them. Paraphrasing Sartre’s quote on antisemites: “we are now in a position to understand the bigot. He is a man who is afraid. Not of his target groups, to be sure, but of himself, of his own consciousness, of his liberty, of his instincts, of his responsibilities, of solitariness, of change, of society, and of the world of everything except his target groups.” In other words, the bigot views true freedom as a threat unless it is only his exclusive right. Also, as Sartre once said, “freedom is what we do with what’s done to us”. Accordingly, no MAGA rat will be able to take my freedom. I will continue the path I have so far carved, based on my unique agency and autonomy. Should a MAGA army comes to stop me, I will fight them with every fiber of my being, even if I am guaranteed to die in the process. But before I go, I will take down as many of these human garbage cans as possible. This will be my ultimate act of rebellion against an indifferent and cruel universe.

    Humans seem to be unique in being able to fashion imaginary differences between people and then perpetrating the most horrible kinds of violence against other humans in the names of those imaginary differences. The human race is truly our greatest enemy and should we go extinct, most likely due to our own actions, to be sure, we will deserve every part of it.

  16. MuckRaker83 on

    They’ve figured out that as long as you tell them they can keep their guns, they’ll let you take away all the other freedoms. Cheer you on as you do it, even.

  17. JaqueStrap69 on

    The number of people with the Don’t tread on me snake next to their blue lives matter/thin blue line stickers is hilarious. 

    Who do you think is treading on you??