I am a 22 year old girl. At the moment, I’m spending money abroad, I’m very tight to not spend anything… I live on cheap pasta most of the time, there are days when I don’t buy food at all. And speaking of fun…
The reason for all this: my mother got cancer just recently. I send her all my minimum wage, just to have enough for treatment and also for living.
I would really like to be able to go back to her at least a little bit. It’s very hard to know when the most important, closest and best person is sick and you can’t see them because you are 1000+ kilometers away due to a very low salary that doesn’t help much…
I understand that it’s a very mediocre story, which seems to have been created only for “money looting” “scams” and the like.
But really, believe me, we really need help. At least 1 e support would mean a lot to me.
Posted by Croweypro
o tai pala kur sveikatos ir socialinis draudimas mamos? kur darbas jos? iš vis kam gadinti savo gyvenimą siunčiant visus pinigus jai? tą patį vėžį gausi nuo makaronų vėliau
Nu jeigu pateiktum daugiau įrodymų gal ir permeščiau kokį eura
Gyvenk sau, o ne dėl kitų. Vėžys yra vėžys. Turčiai pasveiksta, ubagai miršta. Susitaikyk.