Something Has Gone Deeply Wrong at the Supreme Court


  1. Opposite_Onion968 on

    Holy shit, we had no idea.

    I could have you told that when rapist Kavanaugh got brought on.

  2. chaos_cloud on

    >Something Has Gone Deeply Wrong at the Supreme Court 

    No shit Sherlock.

  3. SookieRicky on

    The GOP—at all levels of government—decided it was time to rewrite the Constitution from the bench in order to facilitate a Christian-fascist takeover of the United States.

    The Founders never in their worst nightmares anticipated that every branch of government would simultaneously fail and declare the will of the people invalid.

    The result, if we let it, will be a hybrid between Iran’s far right religious crackdown and Russia’s kleptocratic dictatorship.

  4. AtomicNick47 on

    why is it the left only seems to be good for quipy comebacks online?

    like why the fuck hasn’t the left organized to the same level of efficiency that they right-wing has? Why are there no lobbyists interested in the wants and needs of the average American?

  5. DauOfFlyingTiger on

    Roberts set it up with allowing big money. Corporations are people! No they are not! It let the huge money into politics and onto the court. We should have known then it was a court rotten at the core.

  6. Choppergold on

    If the president is talking to the vice president about ignoring his constitutional duties so he can have him break the law and illegally retain power, that’s simply an official act since those two are speaking – and hey it can’t be prosecuted or investigated. That’s literally summarizing what Roberts wrote. Deeply wrong is right. So is fascist.

  7. It went wrong 24 years ago with Bush v Gore. It went wrong when RBG refused to retire under Obama. It went off the rails when Moscow Mitch denied Garland even a hearing. Now we live in Theocracy where 9 robed figures descend from on high twice a year to issue thier edicts we all must follow.

  8. Reasonable-Kick-8930 on

    Hey guys.

    I am Russian, and I’m going to lay before you a pill that may be hard to swallow, but that will hopefully spur you in some sort of action.

    Have you for the last five or so years be like “how is it possible that Russians are not in the streets protesting? Surely it means that they all agree with the regime. How did they allow their fledgling democracy to fall?”

    Yeaaah. That’s how. Gradually and silently. And before you know it, the time to be out in the streets protesting will be over, because protesting is suddenly illegal.

    Also, as an anecdote, you know what the highest court in Russia is? The Constitutional Court. Its role is to check the laws, presidential orders, and lower court rulings against constitution. Now guess what court has ruled that
    – making protests and mass-gatherings illegal is a-okay, despite there being a constitution article saying the citizens have a right to gather freely
    – to ban political parties
    – to criminalize LGBT and basically any “movement” the current government does not like
    – for a president to have basically an unlimited amount of terms
    – to change that same constitution any time someone has a whim
    – while being unaccountable to the people of the country

    Does any of that ring a bell?

    So if you don’t want to become an exile from your own motherland pretty soon, don’t wait. Do something.

  9. iyamwhatiyam8000 on

    Loss of confidence in institutions is the beginning of the end for most civilisations and leads to a failed state.

  10. orcinyadders on

    This is all pretty simple. Biden needs to say right now that Trump is trying to steal the 2024 election, and that he will use his full presidential immunity to ensure that Trump fails to do so. He should include that he will use every tool and trick of immunity, including the ones used by Trump and his legal team after the 2020 election and argued before the Supreme Court to protect our democracy. And then he needs to do it. All the same shit.

  11. Here is the example of the absurdity of the ruling.

    Say the president and a mercenary like Eric Prince decide to use the mercenary group for the assassination of opposition SCOTUS justices or Senators to flip a branch of government. And then pardons the civilian mercenaries?

    This ruling is throwing out international laws on individual criminal accountability for crimes under international law, end to impunity, equality before the law, fair trial rights established by the United States at the Nuremberg trials.

  12. Political appointments.

    Lifetime seats on the bench.

    Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

  13. 2022survivor on

    Only a matter of time before one of these judges takes a bullet and then the real Wild West will begin. Bunch of fucking donkeys

  14. moontiarathrowaway on

    No one is coming to save us, we must save each other. Organize and fight back. We need you.

  15. FriendToPredators on

    Imaging if people could have just said, oh ‘Hillary is highly qualified’ and gotten over their misogyny. Instead they accepted that it should just burn it to the ground and not bother voting.

  16. What does it take for Biden to just reduce the SCOTUS like, to 4 judges right now? And specifically the ones that he wants, just as a thought exercise

  17. adminsrlying2u on

    … It’s really no secret, it’s the judges pushed and shoved through during the insurrectionist’s administration. All their sentences should be voided, there was clear collusion between party lines by a party that promoted an insurrection to shove them through. Executive order away their legitimacy, it doesn’t matter if you are wrong, you have immunity for official acts.

  18. if you still won’t believe that russia has taken over the republican party either by bribes or black mail you can’t be helped

    it’s out in the open now