Ukrainian troops eliminate a female stormtrooper on the front line

Posted by Mil_in_ua


  1. She is a female so she must have volunteered to be there and to precisely do this thing. Can’t feel much mercy for her type

  2. Accurate_Storm2588 on

    First female ruZZian I’ve heard of in this war; I had thought that the ruZZian leadership considered them unworthy. If that is true, they must be getting very desperate for bodies to send into the meat grinder.

  3. Icy_Championship1123 on

    She made her bed now she gets to lie in it for the rest of her life along with the other two roaches that were with her. goodbye and good riddance.

  4. Youcandoit007 on

    Russians are so brainwashed they have no idea what is true anymore.

    She discovered the truth but a little too late.

  5. 80sVercetti on

    Good, enemy is an enemy, but of course twitter retards will twist this and say Ukrainians are sexists and are killing women.

  6. Not to be ‘that guy’ idly bitching from a country *not* at war, but the ‘music’ really screws with the satisfaction of watching the video (and it’s becoming a trend). Why cannot the creators (continue to) put in something notable, like earworm Ukrainian pop, war-related chastushkas or even voiceovers from those old Soviet cartoons? 😯

    Music can elevate a war video to an art form, like [this]( or especially [this](

  7. Considering how rapey Russian military culture is, I don’t imagine she was having an awesome time before this either.

  8. There are women in combat for Ukraine. Just like this Russian woman. Wear the uniform, use their weapons, assault if that is their unit’s mission, defend a position, etc. They are armed combatants. They are soldiers.

  9. I’m all for equality, no shortage of opportunities to get killed as an invader.

  10. She was a drone operator (as a volunteer) and that’s why you can see the drone going after her in particular.