Good day neighbors!
Father-in-law has been looking for tomato seeds for many years, supposedly of your autochthonous species. He is not sure exactly what it is called (maybe some Jabučar?), it is pink in color and the fleshy part is similar to the one in the picture. He says it is more of a flattened shape and usually has incised lines around the stem…
In the second half of July, we will go to the sea with you, so it would be great if there is someone here to help us identify and find the seeds of this mysterious tomato!
Posted by _Wystery_
Rekao BiH po opisu da je neka vrsta jabučara. Međutim to su sorte koje kod nas imaju mahom iz Srbije. Rijetko ko gaji naše stare sorte, jer nema ni semena puno da ja znam moguće da griješim))
Podješ na pijacu. Ugledaš takav paradajz. Kupiš od tete. Izvadiš sjeme. Pojedeš ostatak.
I ja sam agronom po zanimanju)) ali mladi)) znam da mi uzimamo kući koji sadim novosadski javučar. Ima i ovdje barski ali ne znam bez jednog čovjeka u Sutomore koji sadi mogu Vam poslati njegov broj bavi se starim sortama))
To zovu rozi paradajz koliko ja znam.
Pretpostavljam da misli na volovsko srce:
Ovaj čovek ima to sto trazis,sigurno.