Hail Donnie Trump the Belligerent

Posted by 8-bit-Felix


  1. Time-Bite-6839 on

    “A former president is entitled to absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for actions within his ‘conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority,’ ” the ruling says. “There is no immunity for unofficial acts.”

  2. sicilian504 on

    But oddly enough, it’s while Biden is President lol. Sorry, King. While Biden is King.

  3. Hunter-Gatherer_ on

    If trump wins the presidency (I may be wrong and completely overthinking this) I don’t believe he will leave, ever, until he dies. Who is going to stop him? He’s got the Supreme Court in his pocket, half of the senate and a majority in congress. Do we even have guardrails for this type of shit? I really believe trump will try to assign himself supreme leader and pass down the country to the next trump in line.

  4. Buckeye9715 on

    All hail the great King Joseph Robinette Biden, long may he reign. May his foes fall before him as he rules with an iron fist of strength and courage.

  5. King Biden’s first official act should be extraordinary rendition of all Jan 6th plotters to Guantanamo Bay

  6. metalpyrate on

    So if America is returning to monarchy, is it gonna be okay that King Joseph I is a Catholic, or are we about to have some Jacobite fuckery commence? Will Bonnie Prince Hunter have to face off against the Prince of Orange?

  7. Mothernaturehatesus on

    SCROTUS has become the wrinkled old hairy sack of fragility we always knew they would

  8. Might as well have Supreme Court justices up on eBay at this point since they’re so easy to buy.