Calls to replace Biden vs. silence on Trump? America has lost its political mind.


  1. Historical_Emotion43 on

    It’s simple. Democrats are supposed to be better than Republicans. We have to be the adults in the room and nominate a competent, vigorous candidate.

  2. ProtectionContent977 on

    Odd. The millions of Americans who are willing to trade in everything because of the cost of hamburger.

  3. Bizarre gaslighting, this is by far the least cognitively hazardous thing the US public has united behind in a generation.

  4. AtmosphereAfraid481 on

    None of trumps base wants him to drop out. A good chunk of dems want biden to drop.

  5. This isn’t even close to equivalent.

    The people that want Trump to stop running are Biden supporters.

    The people that want Biden to stop running are Biden supporters.

  6. miscpolitics on

    The problem isn’t that Democrats are thinking of replacing Biden. The problem is that Democrats have so many great backup candidates and great members that can beat Trump. This is a good problem for Democrats which demonstrates the strength of the party.

    To prevent party infighting over the nominee in the event Biden decide not to run, it is possible to change a few paragraphs in the DNC procedural rules to prevent vote splitting.

    For nominations, change the rules to allow delegates to sign nomination petitions for an unlimited number of candidates. Then have the chair announce the top 10 candidates in order of number of signatures gathered. Then allow the top 10 candidates to give 20 minute speeches.

    After speeches, allow delegates to vote for any number of the top 10 candidates, and use approval voting to tally the results. Then have the chair announce the top 2 candidates in order of number of votes. Then allow the final two candidates to give 20 minute speeches. Then hold a final vote.

    These alternate rules will eliminate vote splitting and select a consensus candidate that will perform strongly in the general election without a lengthy convention battle. Maybe Biden’s got this but the Democratic Party has lots of great members and an alternate nominating process would result in great ratings and lot of great speeches why Trump is not the guy.

  7. Unfortunately we have to beat Trump at the polls. There’s no other way he’s stepping down considering he’s pushed his entire family into positions of power in the Republican party.

    We need a candidate who can help us defeat Trump.

    This spin is the worst take. We don’t want Trump to run, but he’s the opposition. If we lose in November then it’s because we were too scared to admit Biden is not capable, and saying “Well neither is Trump” is the a completely ineffective strategy.

  8. IDoubtedYoan on

    The democratic party needs to work to earn more votes instead of continuing to run biden on the platform of “well at least I’m no Trump.”

    It’s not working and it’s time to pivot and try to actually win more votes.

  9. Tired of the gaslighting. Biden is going to lose, so run him if you want to hand over the election to Putin, er, I mean… Trump.

    Protect Joe all you like, spin on Reddit all you like: none of it will translate into votes in the real world.

  10. Because the people on trumps side love trump and want trump. The people on Biden side hate trump and don’t want trump under any circumstances.

    This article is stupid.

  11. obsertaries on

    Newspapers have to make editorials to reach their actual audience, not people that will never read their newspaper. A NYT editorial about how Trump should be removed from office would go nowhere and do nothing.

  12. greatnowimannoyed on

    They’re not talking about replacing Biden because of his administration’s policy positions. Age and mental decline is not a superficial issue.

  13. UselessInsight on

    If the GOP thought they could beat Biden, they’d be silent on this.

    That they’re pushing so hard to have him replaced says a lot.

    Also they have lawyers and legal motions just waiting to challenge last minute ballot changes, so if this absolutely dumb fucking idea to swap Biden goes through, then you’ll see a bunch of states with no democratic presidential candidate on the ballot.

  14. stillnotking on

    1. NYT runs op-ed demanding Trump drop out of the race
    2. ???
    3. Victory!

  15. whichwitch9 on

    Yup. Guess who’s responsible for how the “replace Biden” movement started? People fell for trolls and don’t understand it’s political suicide.

    Not to mention, Biden was tired, but Trump literally sounded insane. That “Biden sounds tired” became the take away was complete deflection that worked.

    The Republicans know Trump is unhinged. They’d still let the country burn before they replace him.

  16. The right has done a spectacular job of running the news cycle, even in this place any new post has been doom about how bad biden is and how much he needs to drop out.

    Forget that biden the next day went out and delivered a great speech and was fine, barely any news covered that and it never got traction because some people just want to see the country burn under trump I guess.

  17. pleachchapel on

    I will vote for Biden if he is the nominee, because a second Trump term would be an absolute disaster.

    This does not mean I think he should be the nominee, & that I can’t criticize the DNC for their absolute inability to read the f*cking room this year. Or in 2020. Or in 2016.

    The DNC sucks & is a bunch of right-of-center establishment insiders.

    I think of it like this: capital owns one party outright, & has merely severely corrupted the other. In that situation, I guess I have to go with Corrupt Out of Touch Losers 2024.

  18. Scaryclouds on

    It’s because Trump isn’t a responsible actor. Indeed his irresponsibility and the reason he has so many other concerned is intrinsically linked as to why calls for him to step out of the race will have, if anything, an opposite impact (i.e. all the established elites want to push Trump out! He’s on to something!).

    It’s like with the Hamas-Israel war right now. Hamas is a terrorist/authoritarian organization with little responsibility to Palestinians, let alone the larger region/world. Criticizing Hamas, especially from “Western” countries really only entrenches their position. Whereas Israel, at least pretends/presents itself, as a responsible actor.

  19. FailedInfinity on

    Trump has plenty of brain farts, but he also lies, cheats, and steals. Republicans don’t care at all and are happy to put him in the White House. Biden has a bad debate despite having a solid administration, and Democrats are ready to throw out the baby with the bath water.

    Suck it up. The stakes are too high to make the same mistake as 2016. There is no other Democrat that will be able to unite the party this close to the election.

  20. Lol love that they call Biden a normal politician and then brush aside concerns about his age, as if he didn’t take office as the oldest president by 8 years. Ronald Reagan left office younger than Joe Biden took office…..this is a pretty reasonable concern to have. And yeah the entire coalition that supported Biden didn’t think trump should run either, but that’s not something that Biden supporters have any control over. This is exactly the kind of discussion healthy political parties do have. Maybe an unpopular president who can barely debate and is currently losing in the polls isnt a very good candidate to run against the criminal fascist who wants to destroy democracy. Trump is the one thing that unites the democratic party, not Biden. People who get that backwards are risking this country and our lives.

  21. bluerose297 on

    “well why don’t you call on Trump to resign?!!?!” is literally a child’s argument, one that relies on having zero understanding of the current political landscape.. The reason we don’t call on Trump to resign is because we already know there’s a zero percent chance of him listening to us and that his base doesn’t care about any of the same stuff we do. The reason we’re calling on Biden to resign is specifically *because* we understand how big of a threat Trump is to democracy, and we’d actually like to stop him, instead of waltzing into defeat the way Democrats are currently doing.

    Responding to these calls with “uhh but what about Trump?!” is the equivalent of putting your fingers in your ears and yelling “nanananana I can’t hear you.” Aggressively unserious behavior.

  22. Confident_Force_944 on

    I tell you how Biden can fix this. Go onto an unscripted interview today and let’s see how it goes. Do this enough and prove the debate was just nerves and settle people down.

  23. PandableClaw on

    It’s all just propaganda pushed by the 7 people that own all media in the western world who all happen to be Trumpers.

  24. The problem is that the associated press is one of the few remaining independent news agencies in the world, and all of the rest are owned by the 0.1% who will financially benefit from trump.

  25. Trump isn’t the variable that we control, we’re trying to make sure we don’t have him. This argument has become so twisted it’s like they’re trying to gaslight us into thinking we didn’t see the debate. This is like if you had a rats in your home and you hired an exterminator and you were worried he wasn’t a good job and you were talking about replacing him. And then you tell your friend and your friend goes “Oh, all this talk about firing the exterminator but nobody’s talking about firing the rats!”

  26. ZookeepergameBubbly on

    One side wants the best candidate they can find to represent their interests and lead the country. The other side wants trump.

  27. “Some people say the Allies need to improve their military, but why aren’t they simply calling for Hitler to surrender instead? Have they lost their minds?”

  28. No one is silent about trump, the whole point is that he needs to lose the election.

  29. catharticargument on

    God, with mindless articles like this being posted and upvoted daily here, you just know we are barreling towards another 2016.

  30. Cute_Excitement4560 on

    It completely blows my mind that we are having an election, for the most powerful president in US history, between an openly corrupt, criminal, felon, adjudicated rapist, twice impeached, person that attempted to overthrow the last election and the current president, who is too old. And the only thing that matters is the too old part.

    The SCOTUS has created the most powerful president in US history and the only thing that matters to people is one guy running is looks old and came off like shit at a debate. Blows my mind.

  31. Sufficient-Comment on

    Y’all still magnifying the bots. Stop it. The whole point of screaming about replacing Biden was to distract from the insane shit trump said.

  32. theseustheminotaur on

    When your media pays for itself by getting clicks they start running headlines like that because they get the most clicks. Nothing more or less than that, they don’t actually hold these principles to be true or really care about educating or informing the populace. Corporate media is a major problem and they enable Trump’s fascism and the degradation of the US

  33. KevinDean4599 on

    These are the candidates we have to chose from. Like it or not. They decided to run despite the issues surrounding their candidacy. They alone get to decide if they continue to Election Day or not and it looks like they are both firmly committed to see this through. We should know who of these two will sit in the Oval Office starting the end of Jan 2025. Assuming there aren’t states that are too close to call and highly contested. I’ve moved past the should they step down chatter at this point. It’s a waste of time. Now it comes down to which of them can turn out the most voters in the swing states.

  34. joeleidner22 on

    Billionaires in control of the media are trying to convince us we’ve lost our minds. The only way to show them we have not is to show up in record numbers for Biden this year. It could be our last chance. Biden 2024.

  35. OutsideDevTeam on

    Oh, America hasn’t. 

    Authoritarian bigots haven’t. Their minds are bent on evil, but they are acting rationally based on what they want.

    The corporate-dominated, Fascism-enabling media hasn’t. They’re doing what they’re paid to do.

    The actual democracy-loving Americans haven’t. They’re voting for Biden and Democrats anyway.

    Who is losing their minds? Hostile foreign powers, giddy with the prospect that they might actually reach their goal of destroying democracy, worldwide, forever.

  36. Regardless of Biden’s real or perceived issues… he’s not trying to usher in Christian Fascism and literally end the democratic process

    Biden could be comatose, and he would get my vote over Trump for those reasons

  37. Unlikely_Mix_9624 on

    Democrats dug their own grave. You had four while years to come up with anyone that can speak a full coherent sentence. Reddit is heavy on copium that Biden will win, and all about Trump being a criminal. But stop pointing fingers and accept you fucked up. And no I dont want a facist, puttin-lover, criminal either. But if the current party is putting dementia-grandpa up there, really makes you wonder where else they drop the ball…

  38. The media in america is sick. 90 minutes does not mean all the sudden that Biden cant lead us.
    Hell, trump cant even remember questions he is asked but we go after biden who is a noble leader and has led us since 2020.

  39. excusemeprincess on

    For fucks sake y’all. The choice is Biden or trump. If bidens performance made you question something and you’re ether thinking of voting for trump or not voting at all… like you’re actually fucking dumb.

  40. DistortedVoltage on

    And just to remind everyone, simply choosing to not vote is NOT an option.

    You cant just go, “if I cant see it, its not my problem”. Because it will be your problem, and everyone elses. The only way not voting would work, is if EVERY voter didnt vote. You all know thats not happening, because all of Trumps supporters will be out in droves.

    So vote, even if you dont agree with Biden or want another old person. Just do it. Because having Trump again will be worse than Biden, by a long shot.