They are probably coming for term limits next

Posted by EdisonCurator


  1. RavishingRickiRude on

    And they know Joe won’t exercise these new powers too. This is the most fucked up ruling in our history. Let that sink in. A country founded to not have a king, just basically said the president can do what he wants as long as its official and even if not official, any evidence obtained from his official duties can’t be used. It’s time for a revolution.

  2. Hairy-cheeky-monkey on

    It seems to me as an outsider that the USA is in the grip of a slow moving coup that looks like it’s succeeding. I don’t think Trump will be controllable in his next presidency. If I understand right here. He is now immune if he frames what he does as an official act.

  3. EdisonCurator on

    Justice Sotomayor writes:
    The President of the United States is the most powerful person in the country, and possibly the
    world. When he uses his official powers in any way, under
    the majority’s reasoning, he now will be insulated from
    criminal prosecution. Orders the Navy’s Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival? Immune. Organizes a military coup to hold onto power? Immune. Takes a bribe in exchange for a pardon? Immune. Immune, immune, immune.

  4. -Blumpking- on

    If Biden steps aside like all the Russian trolls (and some dems) are calling for, the ballot access of his replacement will be challenged. If that fails and trump can’t run unopposed, he will then challenge his loss up to SCOTUS who will say it was an improper nomination for whatever reason they want and hand a crown to our new godking.

  5. Dudeist-Priest on

    It’s well past time to pack the courts. If your rival has stopped pretending to play fair, we need to make sure to play the same game.

  6. williamtheblock on

    Non-American here. Can someone please explain to me what is so different from this ruling compared to what was already understood regarding presidential immunity? My limited understanding was that presidents have always been immune for things that fall under official acts, but not unofficial acts. Like how Obama can’t be charged with murder for ordering the killing of Bin Laden, but would be for ordering the killing of a political rival. From my point of view it looks like SCOTUS just agreed with what was already understood, and the lower courts just have to decide what constitutes and official act, which would always be the case if a president was accused of a crime. Am I misunderstanding something?

  7. Prestigious_Doctor32 on

    Does anyone know how much it costs to buy a judge? Can Americans setup a gofundme for payoffs and expensive trips so we can keep rulings in favor of Americans and NOT project 2025?!?!?!

  8. lilbithippie on

    I hate we all feel so hopeless. Congress should get their ass in gear, draft a simple bill and bring it to the floor. Hold GOP to the fire. Say if they are worried about Biden they should vote for it to stop him.

  9. We’re at the point now where the only thing that can possibly save this country is if Trump’s health took him out of the presidency.

  10. ChemDogPaltz on

    What I need is a real legal analyst giving a straight dope non-hyperbolic explanation for the implications of this ruling

  11. Vote. Don’t let the criminal back in. He wants door to door raids to deport immigrants. It’s disgusting.

  12. Why bother getting rid of term limits when the ~~president~~ sovereign can just not have elections?

  13. TheGreenJedi on

    I wouldn’t say it’s that bad, but it sounds like they’re 100% fine with a president asking the DOJ if any action is criminal 

    And refuse to let any criminal actions and related questions from being entered in as evidence.

    It borderline retroactively exonerates Nixon. All it would take is Nixon to have said he had presidential reasons for Watergate, terrorism, Russian influence perhaps, ANYTHING.

  14. forrealthistime99 on

    What can we do? What should we do? Are there any books that are first hand accounts of living somewhere during a fascist takeover? How can we stay safe?

  15. FlimsyConclusion on

    Republicans are doing everything in their power to turn this country into a dictatorship.

  16. The GOP still doesn’t understand that THEY are 100% responsible for the destruction of the US republic. Maybe not now, but in the very near future.

    If Trump wins, I will have no hope of survival.