TLDR there is no need to carry the joint card, elron card and ID card next year if everything goes well.

Since we already have almost everything in telos, such as customer cards (coop, rimi) and bank cards, and the only things missing are personal documents (ID card, driver’s license, etc.) and public transport cards (Ühiskaart and Elroni card), I decided to ask and Elroni from when their card will be in apple/google wallet and from RIA when the mRiik app will be released and these were their answers

General card


Thank you for your appeal.

We are currently working to add a shared card to Apple Wallet and Google Play in the future, but it is not yet known when this feature will come.



The Elron travel card is not planned for a separate Google/Apple wallet. Elron’s mobile app is coming, but you will hear more about it soon.


I didn’t get an answer, but I found it article which tells about mRiigi app and

The app is ready, but it will undergo security testing at the end of July, and it is planned to announce the mRiik app at the end of the yearõimalik_jätta_rahakott_koju/

Posted by mart945


  1. Mriik äpp toimib normaalset (olen beta kasutaja) ehk arvan, et varsti tuleb ka see avalikult välja.

  2. koer_lammas_halvaa on

    ühiskaart võiks sama teha nagu elron. oma asi, mitte seotud gpay/apple payga