Religious and ethnic results of the 2023 census in Albania

Posted by kristiani95


  1. Besoj se një pjesë e romëve u vetë-deklaruan si egjyptianë, e një pjesë e arumunëve si grekë.

  2. java_unscript on

    Bektashi are muslims, which would bring it up to 50%.

    Not too shabby! Could still be better (edit: lower).

  3. Dmth Shqiperia i thuhet akoma shtet shumice Musliman a jo?

    Keta 6% te pa deklaruar duhen te jen vlleh apo diqka te tille

  4. Someone go into wikipedia and edit the bullshit claim that there are 200,000-300,000 Greeks in Albania

  5. PrettyInfluence3594 on

    Pse nuk e kane qef vllehet ta thone qe jane vlleh. Jam i sigurt qe jane 200k ne Shqiperi.

  6. Remotecontrollerkid on

    Griks got BTFO. Did they really mean 24k when they said 300k? And I’d love to see their communities age distribution, because I’m 90% sure they are mainly Albanian retirees who are paid by the greek state through pension schemes to declare greek.

    Good result IMO. But it highlights that Albania needs to unify with Kosovo soon. Our individual populations are almost nothing, while together we would be around 4 million Albanians which makes for a more solid country.

  7. breathofthepoiso on

    Ma n fund po hiqen qato 80% 70% musliman e po dalin shifrat ma t sakta. Menxi po pres edhe per Kosoven. 96% Musliman o kan qmenduri edhe shum e pavertet. Edhe qka o tu ndodh me qat perqindje t madhe t padeklarune?

  8. Either_Sock4639 on

    Po minoriteti kinez ku eshte? Une dhe shume te tjere u deklaruam kinez. Po shtypet minoriteti kinez. Do kontaktojme ambasaden Kineze urghentisht

  9. JustAnotherShqipe on

    Ma shpjegon njeri 3000 boshnjake nga dolen? S’kisha degju ndonjehere.
    Dhe serbomalazezet 1100 gjithsej, qenkan rritur se ne 2011 dolen vetem 300 malazeze dhe kaq.

  10. bashibuzuk92 on

    So, it’s actually a majority non-muslim country in the end. Why does everyone say it’s a majority muslim country?

  11. Shyqyr se na rrujten lesht tu na tregu sheshet kur falen per bajrom “ja, kto jan shqiptaret”.

  12. Thelonius--Drunk on

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