Allegedly S500 destroyed in Crimea by ATACMS

Posted by Batex21


  1. Remember that guy in another post saying that S500 is Russia’s real weapon that we haven’t seen yet.

  2. “And the award for ‘Most predictable event in ruZZian invasion, year 2024’ goes to ‘Elimination of a S-500 just after destruction of ~10 S-400s during several months'”

  3. Breaking news: Ukrainian woman with jar of pickled goods more efficient at air defense than russian S500 system.

  4. Head-Computer264 on

    Didn’t they only have like 1 of those? Hahahahahhaha hahahahahahahahagaggagahagagahahahagahahahahaha

  5. Well you gotta give it to them. The spare parts were hard to obtain. I’ve heard that they used a high end washer for the chips.


  6. Mundane_Gold on

    Lol please please post this at the pro ruskie sub juts to see the ruskie mental gymnastics team at work, theyre gonna need some serious cope for this one

  7. ithappenedone234 on

    Gee, who would have guessed, the AA is unable to defend itself from ballistics, while being an active threat to high flying aircraft. I wonder what lesson we could learn.

  8. Useful-Internet8390 on

    Soooo, Ukraine figured out where the 500 was working, Amazon delivered 200 liters if Vodka to the area. RF stole it, local commander sent a bit to the 500 crew/ and Bob’s your uncle the drunken operators forgot to turn off the find my secret launch pad button and BOOM JaGGa Mudda Fugggahh

  9. TwistedLobster on

    Would be great if this is true and will be confirmed within the next days.

  10. Come on Russia! Give us the T-14s and the Su-57s! It would be a shame if the Ukrainians wouldn’t be allowed to destroy the full set (Yes, I know that one Su-57 was probably destroyed on the ground).

  11. Budanov said the system was “experimental”.

    Please let this be confirmed as yet another failed ruzzian trial.

  12. If true, russia is seriously f*cked. Crimea is seriously becoming untenable. Looking forward to the AFU encroachment.

  13. Caligulaonreddit on

    “the S500 gave everything it had, but was not able to survive. However it killed some civilians on a beach in its desperat attempt not to fails as big as the S400 does.”

  14. rinkoplzcomehome on

    Moving a 2.5 billion system designed to intercept exo-atmospheric targets to Crimea has to be the most stupid move I have seen so far.

    S-500 is supposedly made to complement the S-400 in the role of those targets, and uses massive missiles for that.

  15. ffdfawtreteraffds on

    The sun came over the horizon today.

    It’s actually possible to walk on just two legs.

    S500 destroyed in Crimea by ATACMS.