PRESS RELEASE I feel the need to respond to today’s media headlines and texts that appeared on almost all media in our country, and are related to the public appearances of my father Velibor Pudar on his social networks.
The decision for which country I will perform for has never been in question and has always been exclusively MINE, not his or anyone else’s.
I disassociate myself from all previous and possible future public appearances of Velibor Pudar, which take into context me, my sports career and the private life of me and my family. My father and I have not had any contact for almost two years and all his statements have absolutely nothing to do with me.
This is something I need the least at this moment when I am in the final preparations for the performance at the Olympic Games in Paris. However, due to the great interest of the public, and above all for myself and everything that awaits me, I felt the need to make a public announcement in this way, to clarify and put an end to all of the above. This is the last time I will publicly advertise and speak on this topic, and I ask you to respect that.
Thank you for your understanding and the enormous support I have and feel from all well-meaning people in our homeland and abroad!
Lana Faded
Posted by takenolsolatunji
Ima li ijedan naš sportista da je u dobrim odnosima sa ocem?
Citam da je njen otac htio da nastupa za Srbiju…
Uglavnom, svaka cast Lani na uspjehu i sto je prepoznala i zadrzala svoj identitet.
Svi koji su iz mostara znaju da Lani nikad nije bilo upitno za koga ce plivat…ovo je samo srpski mediji koji hoce da kvare finu pricu.
Based Bosanska patriota Lana Pudar!
Kako se naložite na PR stunt
Kako se naložite na PR stunt
Ne razumijem kakve veze ima objava Velibora Pudara s tim sto Lana nije u kontaktu s njim vec dvije godine.
Ima li na planeti išta odvratnije od roditelja koji ganjaju sebi publicitet preko leđa svoje uspješne djece?
Sve okej, ali krivo mi što je u lošim odnosima s ocem. A super cura. Ja navijam za nju svejedno da li nastupa za BiH ili za Srbiju.