Marjorie Taylor Greene Swung at a Drag Queen—and Missed


  1. Murky-Site7468 on

    ” …men pretending to be women reading gender cult lying books to our children, provocatively dancing nearly nude in public spaces, and taking over our bathrooms, sports, and private spaces,” Greene wrote to Bandit on X. “Women and children need protection from them.”

    Hi Marjorie! I’m Brigitte and I’m the queen in the clip. I’m born female and not a man. You are just proving that gender is socially constructed and have no idea what you’re talking about and why you should have no say in our lives.

  2. ParappaTheWrapperr on

    She really shouldn’t. Not sure if she’s aware but drags aren’t usually trans, they’re men dressed up as woman in a flamboyant artistic manner, and since they are still men they will hit back like men.

  3. This is so hilarious.

    If you cut your hair short and wear flannel and are muscle-y, they hate you.

    You wear a big wig and fanciful makeup to exaggerate femininity, they hate you.

    It’s almost like, bear with me, it’s just plain old vanilla misogyny.

  4. Are we sure MTG is really female? For somebody who claims to hate people in drag as much as she does, she goes to great lengths to look like an angry, roided-out man. Maybe one of those restroom inspectors in red states can verify her genitals for us.

  5. MTG just mad she can’t put on a lip and some eye without looking like a man in drag.

  6. AimlesslyCheesy on

    “I paid to be a customer at a hotel where I thought you believed women were real. This is degrading. This is misogyny.”
    “If you give me back my money right now I will leave the hotel. But I’m not going to have my children come down from the 30th floor to see what’s happening here.”

    Is there a hotel that screens peoples genders when booking a hotel?

  7. toixcgremlin on

    Republicans approach to moralizing is always the same: “It’s not the same when I’m the one doing it! I’m an exception!”

  8. RamonaQ-JunieB on

    Marge hasn’t been in the news for a while so she cooked up something for the sole purpose of publicizing herself. But try as she might to be a “righteous warrior” she always ends up looking like the pathetic loser she is.

  9. Why did she swing at a drag queen in the first place? If it’s for nothing, we can literally say this is nothing new cause she’s a terrible person in general

  10. I just wish that for even five seconds Marjorie Taylor Greene was intelligent enough to know how fucking stupid she is

  11. Wasn’t sure what one was the drag queen at first. It’s the person on the left? Because the one on the right loooks FABULOUSLY

  12. Inspectorgadget4250 on

    A drag queen knocking MTG into next week would be worth starting a Go Fund Me for legal fees.

  13. Moscow Marjorie is a vile, disgusting human being. I don’t know how she can sleep peacefully at night.

  14. Raymond_Reddit_Ton on

    Wait till she learns about actual Samoan Culture and Faʻafafine.

    Her head might actually explode.

  15. They’re always bitching about drag queens I have never heard them mentioned drag kings.

  16. Women and children DO need protection… from men like Trump who brag about sexually assaulting women and the republican party that ignores the churches prolific history of sexual abuse against children.

  17. JiveChicken00 on

    MTG reminds me of something somebody once said about the Puritans – that they suffered from the haunting fear that someone, somewhere, might be happy.

  18. TheNatureBoy on

    Does she know this is a made up issue so we don’t talk about healthcare, housing, global warming or anything that inconveniences corporations?

  19. ItsDoctorFabulous on

    Anybody can do drag. Drag is art, drag is expression, drag is freedom. You put on your work clothes everyday, that is work drag. I put on my scrubs and that is my doctor drag and do my job. RuPaul said it best: “we are born naked and the rest is drag”. It’s true. We all wear masks and act differently depending upon where we are and who is around us. It’s human.

    Margarine Trash Gangrene – you don’t need drag, you need a damn miracle.

  20. Sugartaste81 on

    I still don’t understand how folk claim to be “so worried” about drag queens reading to children, and then in their next breath they’re proclaiming how they’re supporting a convicted rapist for President.

  21. pirate_property on

    Republicans don’t understand the democratic edict to protect our most vulnerable because they are the party of predators. Republicans don’t understand The American Way because the Truth is a nuisance and Justice a tool.