I’m making this quick post because I still receive various requests for help and, unfortunately, the media talk about the matter too little and too generically.

All holders not vulnerable who have a contract in the protected market will automatically move, starting from July, to gradual protection, whose economic conditions are particularly advantageous. This is a variable price contract that has an energy cost calculated on the basis of PUN, like all other variable contracts in the free market, and will have a fixed fee similar to the marketing price of -73€ per year (against the much higher amounts of the free market and of the protected market itself), which translates into a discount monthly on the bill precisely because it is negative. This makes graduated protections by far the most convenient variable price contract on the market.

Until June 30th all users who have a contract in the free market can re-enter the protected market. According to recently released data, a very low number of people have taken advantage of this possibility (around 26,000). For details on how you can do this, I refer you to a previous post of mine.


The only difference is that, since I made the old post, the PUN has increased slightly, even if only slightly. In any case, you can find the values ​​linked above.


Posted by Sig_nessuno


  1. Io non ci ho capito nulla di questa storia. Hanno spostato tutti dal mercato tutelato a quello libero, ma il tutelato è meglio? Ma allora perché hanno permesso questa cosa?

  2. StrikingRutabaga5685 on

    voglio esercitare questa opzione sia per luce sia per gas.
    a milano credo sia Enel ad aver vinto, é così?
    devo passare a loro?

  3. StrikingRutabaga5685 on

    guarda nella mia esperienza quest’anno il prezzo fisso de nerxato libero con a2a é stato un bagno di sangue.
    peraltro non hanno passato i miei come vulnerabili al tutelato bensì al mercato libero, come me.
    non ho parole.

    in ogni caso, parlo del gas, non ho trovato nessuna offerta a prezzi decenti e tutte sui 0,72 smc che mi hanno portato a bollette da 1200 euro a bimestre nei mesi freddi.