Four members of the billionaire Hinduja family have been sentenced to over four years in jail for exploiting servants, mostly illiterate Indians, at their mansion in Geneva. Prosecutors pointed out that one staff member was paid less than what the family spent on their pet dog.


  1. scoutofstock on

    The court found the Hindujas guilty of exploiting their workers and providing ‘unauthorised’ employment. Besides this, the family was accused of seizing their staffs’ passports, paying them in rupees and not Swiss Francs, preventing them from leaving the villa and forcing them to work long hours in Switzerland.

    Prosecutors said that at times, workers in jobs like cooks or house help were forced to work up to 18 hours a day with little or no vacation time off and for pay that was equal to less than one-tenth of the comparable amount required under Swiss law.

    The staff worked even later hours for receptions and slept in the basement of the villa in the upscale Cologny neighbourhood — sometimes on a mattress on the floor, added prosecutors.

    Prosecutor Yves Bertossa highlighted the disparity, pointing out that one staff member was paid only seven Swiss francs (approximately £6.19) for an 18-hour workday, while 8,584 francs (£7,616) were spent annually on their [pet dog](

  2. Tell me you’re a piece of trash without telling me you’re a piece of trash…

  3. No billionaire keeps being a billionaire without exploitation.

    Some exploit more, some less.

  4. Zerttretttttt on

    Why da fuck do you have to be so cruel if you have billions, a decent pay would be chump change to them

  5. irishOpinion on

    Will any of them actually see the inside of a prison cell or a very lavish home arrest.

  6. >During the hearing, the family’s lawyers claimed that the domestic workers received ample benefits and downplayed claims of exploitation.

    >”We are not dealing with mistreated slaves,” lawyer Nicolas Jeandin told the court.

    >Another of the family’s lawyers, Robert Assael, argued that the workers “were grateful to the Hindujas for offering them a better life.”

    Fear not Hindujas, we have already invented a separate unique phrase for this so you don’t have to admit to that nasty ‘s’ word. Behold, *indentured servitude*. 

  7. dtagliaferri on

    the thing is this is rampant in Geneva, but most doing this have Diplomatic immunity. It is not about the pay, they could afford to have help 24 hours a day. even at swiss wagen. it is that these pbr8ken people, mostly diplomats Familien, need to treat the help like crap to make themselves feel like they are better than others.