Why US politics are the way that they are today

Posted by red23011


  1. rraattbbooyy on

    Ratings at all costs. You don’t have to be right, you just have to be first.

  2. Specific_Cricket_716 on

    Simple Explanation:

    1. News media is corp owned.

    2. Corps want more; money and power.

    3. Trump is offering them what they want.

    It doesn’t matter what else he says or does. See 2.

  3. Safewordharder on

    I get better and more accurate news from late night comedians than from news orgs now.

    I knew comedians were important but god damn.

  4. LefterThanUR on

    Noooo you can’t blame the corporations that dictate our election campaigns, it’s actually Russia’s fault!


  5. That covers the MSM. Then you have the toxic right-wing propaganda network which directs it’s efforts at playing on the fears and insecurities of Americans turning them into raging anti-American hate monsters

  6. UltraSuperTurbo on

    I guess it probably doesn’t help that 80% of our news media is owned by rich conservatives.