When Putin has been bombing cities in Ukraine for two years, they are silent. When they destroyed the Kachovka dam and there was an even bigger flood in Ukraine than before, they were silent. Because they are afraid of the regime. And when they have a flood, suddenly they are no longer afraid. All of a sudden, they have already taken to the streets, organized a rally, and are not afraid to make appeals to Putin, and even “shame!” not afraid to chant.

Posted by UCantHoldBackSpring


  1. Taip logiškai mastant, o tu ėjai kažkur protestuot dėl Kochovkos užtavankos? Tai kodėl šitie ruskeliai turėjo eit?

  2. Tai čia jie palaiko putkos autoritetą kaip gelbėtojo. Vaizdžiai tariant, puola ant kelių prieš putką ir tai vadinama „protestu“. Būtų protestas – būtų išvaikyti.