This part of our country is so underrated (((
I want you all to support our historic places, by visiting them, sharing and collecting waste there and bringing it to Yerevan for recycling, one of the best things you can do as a normal citizen. (Also spend some money there🤫)
Posted by Queasy_Reindeer3697
Honestly all of Armenia is underrated for the most part, you can walk to a random village and find a church from the 6-9 centuries lying about. Though of all the provinces, Aragatsotn where Talin is located is the one that is most overlooked.
Talin is interesting because it’s populated mostly by refugees from Western Armenia, namely the lake van area (Sasun, Mush) that have preserved a lot of their unique culture.
Hope I’ll be able to make it there soon to do some ethnographic research.