I don’t know what to think about this matter.

From one point of view I think it is right to increase duties, since, as the article explains, this is unfair competition from the Chinese, they would be able to sell the cars at a lower price than the production price. It would be impossible for Western manufacturers to compete.

But from the other point of view, that of a poor consumer who has to buy a car and sees the prices very high compared to the quality, it is a bit sad since Chinese cars would have led to an increase in supply and therefore to a decrease in prices, especially for cars that should be cheap, having low quality, but are still sold at a very high price.

But, at this point, I believe that Western manufacturers will be able to continue to do what they want, so prices will remain high, even for cars called "economical"


Posted by imbqst


  1. L’UE dovrebbe però usare l’introito dei dazi per incentivare le auto di produzione europea.

  2. greenapplers on

    >Trump vuole aumentare i dazi su EV cinesi

    “Fascista, negazionista cambiamento climatico, viva il mercato libero

    >Biden vuol aumentare i dazi su EV cinesi

    “È (D)iverso, Joe sta salvando il paese”

  3. Ma che c’è frega di dove le fanno, la gente vuole auto economiche senza tutti sti nazionalismi. A Roma migliaia di famiglie non arrivano a fine mese e tra un po’ dovranno cambia macchina a spese loro, ma uno come fa a caccia migliaia di euro così de botto?