Looks like I could be quarter Armenian. Might want to visit the country one day. Any tips on going there and connecting to the culture?


Posted by Key-Indication-2914


  1. Key-Indication-2914 on

    Also, what is it like living in the Republic of Armenia?

    And what are some things you would recommend someone do right after finding out they’re part Armenian? (Before actually going to Armenia)

  2. Would scroll through the Wikipedia page – very ancient people with strong culture and great food and a long history of surviving through hardship. Armenia is actually on the oldest known map in history.

  3. WhiskeyHotel1 on

    Do you live in Russia or are you casually thinking of popping in from the states? Never been but always wanted to go check out my roots.

  4. hyeallthetime_415 on

    Definitely listen to some music!! Get acquainted with our instruments (ex: duduk).

    Welcome, welcome! 🇦🇲😊