Sorry for my ignorance. Is it Ablhazia or Ossetia?
ParticularStyle9101 on
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan uses the correct term, I appreciate it.
Tskhinvali region is correct and there is no South Ossetia In Georgian land.In your case, it is the same as calling Karabakh Eastern Armenia. Or call Azerbaijan as a whole Northern Iran.
A term coined artificially by the chauvinist Ruzzians to create a separatist enclave during the Soviet occupation.In 1991, the Republic of Georgia legally abolished the ‘South Ossetian’ Autonomous District.
Mental_Towel_6925 on
Why didn’t the Georgians blow up the Rocky Tunnel in 2008 when they had a chance?
At least then the Georgians would control Tsikhinvali
Where is tskhinvali?
Cənubi Ossetiya temasıdı?
Sorry for my ignorance. Is it Ablhazia or Ossetia?
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan uses the correct term, I appreciate it.
Tskhinvali region is correct and there is no South Ossetia In Georgian land.In your case, it is the same as calling Karabakh Eastern Armenia. Or call Azerbaijan as a whole Northern Iran.
A term coined artificially by the chauvinist Ruzzians to create a separatist enclave during the Soviet occupation.In 1991, the Republic of Georgia legally abolished the ‘South Ossetian’ Autonomous District.
Why didn’t the Georgians blow up the Rocky Tunnel in 2008 when they had a chance?
At least then the Georgians would control Tsikhinvali