Around 300 buildings built around Prokoški Lake (2020)…

"It was defined that the supervision is performed by an environmental protection inspector who has no jurisdiction, except for issuing minor fines. Someone who started building is fined 300 marks (about 150 euros) and that’s where the story ends. This is the last cry of all of us to preserve this pearl”, said Šečibović, adding that legal changes will also enable the engagement of construction inspectors.

Who cares about illegal construction

Residents are aware that they have built facilities illegally, but they are taking advantage of the carelessness of the authorities, trying to make some money in one of the poorest countries in Europe, which has seen a large increase in the number of tourists in previous years.

“Nobody here has one-to-one ownership of a building or a plot of land, and if the state decided it could demolish all of this tomorrow,” says Nihad while keeping a watchful eye on a small herd of sheep whose fate was sealed a long time ago and they will all end up on the spit.

“Arabs mostly buy lambs. They are the most frequent guests here, and our people are fewer and fewer. People don’t even have money for food, and everything has become more expensive, including fuel, so they come less and less,” explains Nihad, but he doesn’t complain as long as there are tourists from abroad with slightly deeper pockets.

“I come from Dubai, I’m in this area for the first time and I really like it. I intend to come here again with my whole family,” says Beder, who spent the day at the lake. Two more off-road vehicles with a group of tourists arrive on the dusty macadam road. The driver didn’t even get out properly, and he was met by the owner of the restaurant hoping to make a deal with the driver and make some money: “Do you want me to cook meat for them? There are also pies. There are multilingual signs at every step. Accommodation, pies under the honeycomb, baking, teas…

Posted by Fefarona


  1. ColumbineCapricorn on

    Prodali bi rodjenu majku za pare; pa onda netreba biti iznenadjeni da se prodaje I rodna zemlja.

  2. Various-Process5823 on

    Bio sam na Prokoškom. Oduševljen prirodom, razočaran ljudima. Ako se dobro sjećam, neko je izlio betonsku ploču direktno na obali. Još kad vidim ove mamlaze koji su spremni kamenovati nekoga, krv mi proključa. Koje sirovine… neko im konačno rekao istinu u lice, pa im pravo zasmetalo.

  3. trebali ste ga u glavu klepiti tom sekirom, kakvo govedo, zbog takvih ljudi ne mozemo da imamo lepe stvari…

  4. Bila sam na Prokoskom 2016te.. predivno mjesto.. bilo Arapa dosta.. neznam kakva je sad situacija tamo. Samo mi je zao sto sve fino imamo unistavaju..;(

  5. I sta su uradili? Nista. Samo sebi napravili problem, iznervirali se, prepali da ce ih ovi gadjati kamenjem, slag na tortu sto ne da nista nisu postigli nego sto su njih dvojica osudjeni za krivicno djelo na kraju.

    Poenta koja je davno trebala biti izvucena: pojedinac ili par ljudi ne mogu nista promijeniti osim ako nemaju jake veze na vlasti, nema nista dok se vecina ili svi ne pobune.

    Najjace ovo “doce policija”, daju ljudi policajcima po cenera za kafu i burek i alahimanet.

  6. AgentLelandTurbo on

    Misli sto ima kameru u ruci da moze radit sta mu naumpadne a da mu niko ne moze nista