No, because the old people that are left in Albania can’t speak English very well
Ok-Championship1179 on
I see at least one post a day about working remotely from Albania so yeah
Competitive-Read1543 on
ku jeton ti, dhe nga ku ke ardh?
Ghostofcoolidge on
Wasn’t this the reason for the new foreigner tax law? I just got hit with 15% tax just for living here despite making money in the US. In case anyone asks, not a remote worker by the way, I’m a volunteer, but we were all hit with it.
I don’t like it because yeah it hurts but I get why Albania is doing it.
Edit: for clarification I mean the law was just implemented this year
Miserable_Net694 on
Ke plote kompani qe funksionojne kshtu e tpaguajn ty me rroge te shqiperis. Ata jan me problem
ApplicationIll5799 on
It’s happened already. The difference is that we won’t be asking nicely first.
lostatan on
Inshallah, despite the simps to westerners
MetastAH on
I hope not, why hating on people that are bringing money to the country ? The country was closed on communism, is it a way to retrograde to 80’s ?
GoldDay1 on
Fuck yeah, fuck digital nomads.
toryn0 on
shpresoj po! “they bring money to our country” cfar money, se ndoshta dalin neper lokal ooo po yhvillohet ekonomia shqiptare pra?
nuk punojn per kompani shqiptare, nuk eshte sikur respektojne edhe dojne te mesojne kulturen edhe popullin ton – ex. kam gjetur ne FB, grup per italianet qe jetojn ne sarande dhe vlore. po pse jeton ne shqiperi po do te rrish vetem me emigrantez tjera? edhe – me duket – as paguajn takset.
No, because the old people that are left in Albania can’t speak English very well
I see at least one post a day about working remotely from Albania so yeah
ku jeton ti, dhe nga ku ke ardh?
Wasn’t this the reason for the new foreigner tax law? I just got hit with 15% tax just for living here despite making money in the US. In case anyone asks, not a remote worker by the way, I’m a volunteer, but we were all hit with it.
I don’t like it because yeah it hurts but I get why Albania is doing it.
Edit: for clarification I mean the law was just implemented this year
Ke plote kompani qe funksionojne kshtu e tpaguajn ty me rroge te shqiperis. Ata jan me problem
It’s happened already. The difference is that we won’t be asking nicely first.
Inshallah, despite the simps to westerners
I hope not, why hating on people that are bringing money to the country ? The country was closed on communism, is it a way to retrograde to 80’s ?
Fuck yeah, fuck digital nomads.
shpresoj po! “they bring money to our country” cfar money, se ndoshta dalin neper lokal ooo po yhvillohet ekonomia shqiptare pra?
nuk punojn per kompani shqiptare, nuk eshte sikur respektojne edhe dojne te mesojne kulturen edhe popullin ton – ex. kam gjetur ne FB, grup per italianet qe jetojn ne sarande dhe vlore. po pse jeton ne shqiperi po do te rrish vetem me emigrantez tjera? edhe – me duket – as paguajn takset.
fuck “digital nomads”.